Library News

Miss Debbie

Book Fair 2023

We would like to thank everyone who visited the Book Fair.  Perhaps you noticed the Pirate theme and the newly decorated Pirate Ship circulation desk?

The Book Fair was very busy, especially after school when we had many students and parents coming in to have a look and to purchase books.  I want to thank you for your patience when waiting to pay.  We sold over $5,000.00 of books, which means that we raised about $1,000.00 worth of books, rewards, and cash.  All books that were ordered should now have made it home.  Please let me know if you haven’t received your order.   We will use these rewards to purchase resources for the school library so that everyone can access the new books.  Here is a photo of the books that we have purchased or that came from the book fair. There are plenty more to come! 

So many thanks to you all for your very generous support.


Harmony Day - 21st March

With the celebration of Harmony Day on 21st March and many students dressing up in orange, I added a special Harmony Day bookshelf.  All the books on the shelf incorporate themes including inclusion, equality, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone at Greenvale Primary School, within the community and within Australia.