World Maths Day 2023

Worlds Maths Day 2023

On Thursday the 23rd March the students and teachers at Greenvale Primary School celebrated World Maths Day.


Throughout the morning sessions all of the students had a great time playing a variety of maths games that they subsequently enjoyed teaching the parents that came in to visit after lunch. It was great to see the children having fun playing a range of fun and educational maths games.


On the day we had over 130 parents, grandparents and carers come into the classrooms which was a fantastic result. All of the students loved the challenge of trying to beat their parents, which led to some pretty feisty and competitive conversations. 


The games that were played required only a pen, a piece of paper, a dice and or a packet of playing cards. They were chosen to be easily replicated at home and support the learning in the classroom.


Each child received a booklet of simple games specific to their year level that they could play with their families at home. It would be great if all families could put aside a small amount of time to trial and play the games. So next time we get a dreary and rainy weekend why not break out the maths games and challenge the whole family.


Thank you for all of the support on the day, it was great to see parents back in the classrooms. 


Brett McGinniskin and Elicia Briggs

Maths Learning Specialists