Education in Faith News

Holy Week Presentation

Today all the students gathered in the hall to commemorate the events of Holy Week.

The teachers did a wonderful job preparing their classes to share their reflections. The students were incredibly reverent in the way the presented and participated in our prayer service. It was clear the significance of the Easter Season as a pillar of our Catholic faith became real for the students through the words, songs and actions shared by the different year levels.


The presentation below includes the songs that were part of our presentation today.


Please also look out for videos and photos of the different year levels presentations which will be shared on Class Dojo.


Finally a big thank you to Mrs Annmaree Hoy for coordinating and leading our reflection so wonderfully. Annmaree spoke the students about how Easter can be made real for each of us today in the way we treat others around us, especially those in need, with care and love, just as Jesus did in his life and death.