Principal Team's Message

Our Assistant Principals reflect on term two

We have been very pleased with the way in which students have begun Term 2. We look forward to all students having a positive attitude, staying focused on achieving their personal best and always striving to improve. We would also like to encourage our students to become involved in a number of extra-curricular events and exciting opportunities in Term 2. Please keep up to date with our current events and communication through Compass and the weekly publication of clubs and events within the school. 


Uniform 👔

Uniform is an important part of our school community and therefore we expect all students to wear it correctly and with pride to, from and at school. We would like to congratulate the majority of students who have started off the term in a positive way in the wearing of the correct uniform and we thank all parents / carers for your support with this. A reminder that the uniform shop is open every Tuesday from 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm in P1, alternatively you can visit Academy Uniforms in Thomastown.


School Uniform - Beanie

The new school beanie is almost here! 

Following a student vote, a new school beanie will soon become available for students to purchase at the front office for $25 

As with our current school beanie, the new Sunbury College beanie will be part of the school uniform. Along with the existing beanie, it will be the only beanie permitted to be worn by students at our school. The leadership team would like to thank all students who expressed their opinion via the survey. A compass post will be made when the beanies become available for purchase.


School Uniform - Additional layer - Upper body

At a recent School Council meeting, a new and important uniform item was approved to be added to our current uniform offerings. A full zip, soft shell black jacket, with green and maroon piping will complement the current Academic and PE uniform and will provide another welcome layer during the cooler months. The new black jacket can be worn with the cotton V neck jumper and / or the spray jacket.


Access to three layers, in addition to the college shirt or polo, will enable students to continue to wear the school uniform with pride and be able to manage their comfort during the cooler weather. Production of the new jacket has commenced through our uniform supplier and a Compass post noting the availability and pricing will be released in due course. 


Student illness and early student departure

Students who fall ill during the school day and feel the need to go home must report to Student Services at the front office. If required, our administration support person working in Sick Bay will contact parents / guardians seeking permission for the student to leave and go home or be collected by an adult. 


In recent weeks, administration staff have noted an increase in the number of students contacting parents / guardians via their own mobile device during the school day and bypassing Sick Bay. This presents a number of challenges around the school being unaware of an ill student in the school and student use of a mobile phone during the school day. 

This approach breaches the Sunbury College Mobile Phone Policy. Administration staff are also being asked to call students from class or at break times without any knowledge of a student being ill. In some cases, adults who are not listed as parents are asking for students to be collected, requiring contact to be made to parents regardless. 


Messaging will go out to students in the coming weeks reminding them of the process that needs to be followed when a student is required to depart early and or go home ill. 


Where there is a planned early departure - e.g Medical appointment, parents and guardians are asked to access Compass at the start of the day to note the early departure. Student services will reference this when signing the student out at the front office via our Compass kiosk. We thank you for your understanding and support with utilising our current process.



Term 2 and 3 is a time when there are a number of opportunities for students to begin planning for their pathway, whether that is through Course Selection, University, TAFE, Apprenticeships or employment. We are very proud of our commitment to supporting students to find a positive destination beyond school, no matter the point they leave Sunbury College. Our data over the past four years reflects this with 93% of students finishing school to arrive at a positive destination. 


Upcoming events and useful data

Students and families are encouraged to continue using their achievement data to make informed decisions around the opportunities for learning and further education. We encourage students to review their Attendance, Work Habit Ratings, Morrisby Career Profiling and Semester reports, together this tells a story and is valuable in assisting in the decision making for 2024 and beyond. 


Year 10 into VCE / VCE VM Information Evening - 


📅Wednesday 21 June 


📍in the Gym


Year 10 families and students are highly recommended to attend the Year 10 into VCE / VM information evening. This is an opportunity to learn about the criteria for promotion into VCE and VCE VM pathways and the support available around individual learning goals of each student as they progress beyond Sunbury College. 

Year 10 students have been able to listen to the Middle school and Pathways team advice at Assemblies and Connect throughout Semester One to assist in preparation for meeting the criteria for pathways beyond 2023. 


Promotion to VCE

  • Average Work Habit Rating of 3.00 or above
  • Students must achieve a minimum of 8 Satisfactory results across the course of the year including English
  • Satisfactory performance in at least four Year 10 Exams each semester
  • Minimum of 90% attendance in class

VCE VM Entry Criteria

  • Be a current Year 10 student at Sunbury College
  • Minimum Work Habit Rating of 3.00 in semester 2 of the current year
  • A demonstrated commitment to improving Work Habits ratings in English and Maths
  • Minimum of 90% attendance in class
  • Completion of ‘My Career Portfolio’ to a high standard
  • Completion of Work Experience
We look forward to seeing all of our year 10 students and their families on Wednesday 21 June at 6pm in the School Gym for this very important information evening.