Mother's Day

Special Person's Day Stall

Monday 8th May

Mother’s Day - Special Person’s Stall

Monday 8th May


Mother’s Day - Special Person’s Day is on Sunday May the 14th.   We are excited to announce that we will be running a stall on Monday the 8th of May where students may attend for a 20 minute period to purchase up to 4 gifts.   If there are gifts left over after this date, we will be inviting families back to purchase items before school or after school.


A few parent helpers have generously volunteered their time to assist us with the stall.  Sincere thanks to parents who have kindly volunteered.

Mother’s Day – Special Person’s Day – Stall Schedule

Grade Level



10:40am - 11:00am

Grade 6

11:35am - 11:55am

Grade 1

12:30pm - 12:50pm

Grade 3

12:50pm - 1:10pm

Grade 4

1:10pm - 1:30pm

Grade 5

2:40pm - 3:00pm

Grade 2

3:00pm - 3:20pm

The price of gifts range from $1.00 to $5.00.  Please send a bag with your child/children so they can store their items safely once they are purchased.