Whole School Events
Anzac Day Commemorative Service
On Monday, Mackellar's grade six Junior School Council leaders facilitated our whole school Anzac Day Commemorative Service. The service was dedicated to the memory of Australians who have served and died in war. Our students are to be commended for their excellent preparation and delivery of the service that was carefully planned last term. We are extremely grateful to Peter, a veteran and former solider from Caroline Springs RSL, for his moving words and participation in our service prior to hearing the Last Post. Thank you to our families who attended the service; your presence is always appreciated.
Classroom learning across the school provided students with an understanding about ANZAC Day. Each student created a poppy to place in our garden at the beginning of the service. This week, our student leaders will finish our ANZAC Day display which can be viewed when entering through the school gymnasium.
On Anzac Day, our Grade 6 Student Leaders, along with Joanne Wood, Wellbeing and Inclusion leader, attended the dawn service in Caroline Springs where they laid a wreath on behalf of all students and staff at Mackellar Primary School. We would like to acknowledge and thank our students, families and staff who joined us for the service.