Principal's Report
Dear Parents,
Welcome everyone to term two and here's hoping you had a relaxing and enjoyable break over the holidays. What a way to start the term with our student leaders taking us through a very moving ANZAC commemoration service alongside Peter from Caroline Springs RSL. It was a very fitting service and our students were exceptional on the day which is testament to the respect they have for the day, and their display of our school values.
A special thank you to Jo Wood and those students who attended the dawn service in Caroline Springs on ANZAC Day to represent our school and lay a wreath at the cenotaph on our behalf. As is fast becoming a tradition they did themselves and their parents very proud.
Last week, work on our school review continued with local principals joining our school leaders and school reviewer in speaking with parents, staff and students. These conversations covered a range of topics related to school operations, student voice, teaching and learning, school values and ideas for the future. This work will culminate in a panel writing day where our next school strategic plan will be drafted before being scrutinized by the Department and then forwarded to school council for approval. Our thanks go to all who have been involved in what has been a very thorough review process.
Education Week is fast approaching, and once again we will be holding an Education Week Expo here at school where children take their parents through the learning they are undertaking in their classrooms and specialist areas. Parents are eagerly encouraged to attend and be part of their child's learning journey from 5-7pm on Tuesday May 16. Please mark this date in your diary and I look forward to seeing many of you on the night.
In the weeks after our expo, we will be holding our Enrolment Information Night for families to commence the enrolment process for 2024. If your family has a prep child for next year please feel free to come along. Likewise, if you know of families with prep aged children for 2024, please encourage them to come along on the night. More information on this will be forthcoming in following weeks.
Kind Regards,
Simon McGlade