Year 8 Camp

Last week the Year 8 students attended The Summit camp in Gippsland - student reflections and photos below!
I enjoyed the mud run very much. The mud run was in GOAL groups, and we all had to work as a team. The camp was very team related and it worked on us getting closer and working together as a team. The mud run was very physically hard as you had to carry tyres around the whole course. There were three tyres, and they were basically a part of your team. You weren’t allowed to drop them or chuck them. This camp really worked on all of us trusting each other and working together as friends to help bring us all together. We formed friendships, trust and new hobbies.
Hannah M
Year 8 camp was a wild ride for all the kids who went. At The Summit in Trafalgar East, it featured a huge lake with a flying fox going over it, dozens of cabins, tents and lodges, heaps of fun activities and encouraging and happy staff just to name a few things. It managed the 150 kids who were there quite well, assigning clean up or set up to different GOAL groups. The one major event we did there was called the Monster Run. It was a long, 3km course full of obstacles, mud, tyres, and rough terrain. There was a cave, rock climbing, abseiling, snakes and more. Overall, the camp was very good and high quality.
Will S
I enjoyed the mud run because of the team oriented activities and the mud. I enjoyed the laser skirmish because Oscar and I were really good at it, and it was very competitive. The food was really good and so were the cabins and I was with a lot of my friends. It was really fun before the mud run watching the teachers doing the Nutbush and getting everyone exited for the monster course. The last activity we did was with a tank and the best people on camp got to ride in a tank over a car and around a course.
Lachlan P
Year 8 camp was good we did many different activities like caving, high ropes, flying fox, mud run and more. My favourite activity was the mud run, it was very fun and you had to go though many different obstacles. There were many different meals, my favourite was the pasta and garlic bread as well as the pancakes for breakfast. The cabins were great and there was a lot of room, it could fit 24 people in one cabin.
Maddy M
Year 8 camp was a great experience, and we had a great time doing activities with our GOAL group. There were 9 activities altogether plus workshops as a whole grade. Our favourite was the mud run which was an obstacle course in the mud where we demonstrated teamwork with our peers. Even though we got muddy and gross it was an amazing experience as we had so much fun getting the second-best improvement time. Our favourite was the chicken schnitzel and potato wedges as it was nutritious and tasty at the same time. Overall, we had a great time and it is a camp we will never forget.
Poppy T and Tilly S
I thought camp was pretty good compared to most of our other camps. This camp had good food compared to most camps we have had. My favourite food was the lunch for the second day because we had amazing wraps with nice meat in them. The Summit was huge, there were so many activities there to do there wasn't enough time to do all of them. The best activity in my opinion was rock-climbing because everyone took part, and it was very fun. I also really enjoyed the cave because everyone in my group was super scared. Overall, it was a very good camp.
Gabe L
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Ms Sophie Zhou