Careers & VET News

Careers News
UAC applications open this week on April 5
I recently gave a talk to over 30 Year 12 students about what is involved and what is coming up for them.
Applications for undergraduate study in 2024 are opening on 5 April. If you're a Year 12 student in NSW and ACT, we'll email you your PIN that morning so you can get started on your application.
Got questions? We'll be running a live session on our social channels at 5.30pm 5 April with everything you need to know about UAC and how to apply.
Register for UAC Live: Intro to UAC
Coming up in Term 2 - the North West Regional Careers Expo on Wednesday 17th May
There will be sessions for both students and parents. More details to follow next term.
VR Mining Career Experience
On Friday 31st March 24 Year 10 and 11 students were able to use Virtual reality goggles to experience a mine site and careers that relate to the mining industry. The Mineral Council of Australia fully sponsored the experience for students.A highlight for the students was to drive an ore truck around the mine site, and have Bruce (the employee) talk and interact with the students through the VR goggles regarding the mining activity. Students were able to visit an open cut mine, as well as an underground mine. Some of the mines the students visited around Australia were Dubbo, Mt Isa, and a sand mine in Tomago near Newcastle.
Latest Careers Newsletter
Each week a newsletter is added to the Careers@McCarthy site. Here is the latest with 22 pages of information on courses (university, private college and TAFE), scholarships, events and opportunities. Click here to check out this week’s newsletter and make sure you check each week.
Google Classrooms
Students are encouraged to join the Google Classrooms which relate directly to their interests and needs. Parents and carers should ask their child if they have done this.
- University 2023+ Code: 2yz6h6s
- Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Work Experience Code: d6i57bo
- Part time jobs Code: o76i4pv
- Full time jobs Code: xehfpmy
Where to find careers information
Parents and students can find a lot of information on many aspects of careers at the Careers@McCarthy webpage.
Susan Barrett
Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Samantha Cox
Careers & VET Support Officer, Education Assistant
Raelee Balderston
VET Officer