Principal's Report

Dear students, parents and carers and staff,
Thank you very much for your work and support over Term 1.
Over the Term there have been 9500 lessons presented to students in Years 7-12.
Over the Term there were 300 unproductive and/or unsafe behaviours noted by staff. This average of 6 per day from 190 separate lessons and 850 students continues the significant effort by students, staff and families to ensure that more students experience meaningful learning and authentic care in calm, collaborative settings.
Over the Term 2284 students were commended for consistent application of effective work habits, concern for the learning of others, support of the work of staff, and care for others.
Please don’t believe it when media and others tell you that secondary schools across the country are out of control. Students who feel connected to their school and supported by staff and family generally appreciate the opportunities provided to them and are well-placed to experience a successful secondary school education pathway. Thank you to all who have contributed to this continued improvement.
Our first day next Term, Monday April 24, is a Staff Learning Day. We will be working in whole-staff, House and KLA teams to plan increased student connection to school and learning. I have shown you this document before but urge you to look again and assist us to move students from ‘participating’ in school and learning to a more active and self-directed involvement.
This week we farewell Oriane Monet who leaves us to rejoin her family, who moved to the Gold Coast at the start of the year. Oriane has been an outstanding teacher and contributor at McCarthy for 8 years. In a happy alignment, Oriane’s daughter Clementine was at Assembly this week to receive her Dux Award for 2022. You can read Sally Sparke’s tribute to Clem and Clem’s address in this newsletter.
Holy Week leads us into the great feast of Easter. After the preparation and reflection of Lent, the good news of Easter Sunday provides a life-affirming and hope-affirming foundation to our Christian faith.
I thank you again for the work of Term 1, and wish all a Term break that allows students and staff to come back recharged and ready to go for a productive Term 2.
All the best
Rod Whelan