Languages at McCarthy

This term the Year 7 French classes have been listening to the story of a very special capybara from French Guiana, who is different because he can’t swim well like other capybaras. He has a nice friend and a cruel friend, a nice parent and a cruel parent. With his special boots, he will find a way to save the tropical forest and the lake for the survival of his community.
Through story listening, acting, reading, answering questions, and illustrations, students have developed their language skills. They have used their knowledge to write a retell of the story and characters, or make up a new story in the fortnightly 10 minute writing literacy challenge. Responses have shown wonderful progress.
Bravo Year 7 ! Et merci ! Thank you for a wonderful term.
Each class has participated in a cultural experience and prepared and tasted a French breakfast: “petit pain au chocolat, croissant, baguette, beurre (butter) et confiture (jam), avec un verre de jus de fruit (with a glass of fruit juice).”
Year 9/10 elective class have been reading mini-biographies of famous francophone women and men, from different continents and times. They have presented a person of their choice and written their own mini-biographies. The students have developed their language skills and fluency, and got to know each other better through daily discussions about their origins, families, interests, activities and books that have had an influence in their lives.
Bravo pour vos progrès Yea 9/10 ! Et merci ! Thank you for a very exciting term.
Students from Year 8,9,10 and 11 have been working on promoting McCarthy cultural and linguistic diversity. They have been making “Hello and welcome” signs in different languages for the Inclusion Room. Allyza has translated the new Canteen Menu in Tagalog, Harrison, did it in Bisaya, and Emma and Anita translated it in Vietnamese. Harrison has also refined the Mood Board he had done in Design last year for a display in the Library to follow up from Harmony Week, and invited other students to contribute to his Mood Board by adding something to it.
Thank you and well done to all these Language Ambassadors for their commitment and consistency!
Mme Monet
Italian - Term 1 2023
Buongiorno Tutti!
Year 7 has been learning Italian too. We have two classes and are making great progress with some Italian basics. Most lessons include songs with Italian lyrics that help us remember words and DuoLingo which is a free online language learning platform. DuoLingo is a really fun and engaging way to learn a language and our students have wasted no time in embracing this learning opportunity.
Our learning this term has included learning basic greetings, nouns, colours, numbers, adjectives and verbs. Verbs are particularly interesting because they change depending on the context with which we using them, e.g. Parlare - to talk
Io parlo - I talk
Tu parli - You talk
Lei/lui parla - She/he talks
Noi parliamo - we talk
Loro parlano - they talk
Voi parlate - you (all) talk
This is called conjugating the verb.
There is talk of a pizza day coming up really soon so stay tuned…
Grazie mille.
Mr Rindo