Prayer and Reflection

Last Sunday, we celebrated Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the period during which Christians commemorate the last days of Jesus; his final meal with friends, his trial, carrying his cross, his death on Calvary and his Resurrection. On Palm Sunday, branches are blessed as a reminder of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a celebrity. His entry into the city was in stark contrast to the way he left the following Friday. The fact that Jesus was hailed as a king while he rode his donkey says a lot about Jesus’ attitude to power. The notice on his cross identified him as a king. Pilate’s words were meant to be ironic but Christians have come to understand that, for Jesus, power and authority are inseparable from humility and suffering. The branches blessed on palm Sunday are burnt to provide ashes for Ash Wednesday next year: the life of faith is a cycle. As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we are already thinking about the beginning of the next Lent. Lent and Easter, grief and joy, hard times and good times, walk hand in hand in every life of faith.
Enjoy the Easter Holidays with your Family
God Bless
Mr Damian Kenniff
Mission & Spirituality
McCarthy Catholic College
Holy Week-Easter Schedules 2023
St Brigid's Catholic Parish, Quirindi and Werris Creek
St Michael's Catholic Parish, Manilla and Barraba
Holy Thursday at Barraba 5pm
Holy Thursday at Manilla 7pm
Good Friday Barraba Stations 10am
Good Friday Manilla 3pm.
Easter Vigil Barraba Saturday 6pm
Easter Sunday Manilla 8.30am