Principal's Message
Message from Mrs Paula Hambly
We are moving towards the end of term 2 with Year 12 students already receiving their half yearly reports earlier in the term and year 11 receiving theirs this week. Primary parents will have the opportunity to have a parent teacher conference in week 10. This is a great opportunity to see how your child is progressing and work with the teacher to devise strategies to support your child in their educational journey.
There are many excursions currently being held and these experiences enhance the curriculum delivery. Thank you to all of our teachers and administration staff who spend time organising these opportunities. It is a credit to our students that their behaviour is always exemplary when representing the school and this is one of the reasons why our teachers go above and beyond to source these learning occasions.
Congratulations to all who took part in our combined Athletics carnival. The day was a great success and another example of our whole school spirit. A number of students will be representing our school at the next level of competition. Congratulations to those who have also just competed in Representative Cross Country with great results.
We look forward to a fantastic finish to the term with plenty left to do before the holidays to keep us all focused on learning.