Infants and Primary

Primary Learning

YEAR 5/6 Class

The 5/6 class have entered the very scary world of debating over this past fortnight and if there is one thing that all of the class is very good at it is giving their opinion! We have been exploring the reason why debates takes place, the formal aspects of debating, supporting arguments with evidence, and beginning to form teams to take part in a formal debate. It has been very interesting hearing some of the points of view from these great kids.


In Maths we have begun exploring 'BODMAS' - The Order of Operations , number patterns & algebra. Some of us find this a piece of cake, but some of us find it difficult to follow the process. As always, a good grasp of times tables and number facts is extremely helpful!


In music we have been practicing for the Boorowa Carols Concert on Sunday 15th December at the Rotunda at the Rec Oval. We are singing John Lennon's Happy Xmas (War is Over) and Aussie Jingle Bells. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...but we will hold off on the Christmas craft for another week yet!


​In computing we have begun another CODING unit of work focused on Minecraft and it is easy to see that the kids are the experts in this area.  They are flying through it!


Well done to all of our year 6 students on a fantastic transition program last week.  All of the secondary staff were commenting on your effort and application and they look forward to having you there next year.


Some reminders:

-Presentation Night Thursday 12th December

-Rewards Day Friday 13th December

-Yr 6 Farewell Assembly 2:00pm COLA Tuesday 17th December

-Yr 6 Formal Dinner 5:30pm Tuesday 17th December

-Yr 2-6 DISCO 7:00pm-8:30pm Tuesday 17th December

-Pool Party Wednesday 18th December


We look forward to ending the year with some fantastic events.


Mr Stuart l Relieving Assistant Principal (Primary)



Year 3/4 have had an exciting few weeks in the classroom, while also making the most of learning opportunities towards the end of the school year.


They have been busy exploring new maths concepts such as 3 Dimensional shapes, engaging in a 'sweet' maths lesson, where they had to build prisms and pyramids using jelly beans and toothpicks. Students also made shapes from nets and used these to determine how many faces, corners and edges different shapes.


In Science with Mrs Hoy, students have started a unit on 'Heating up' where they have looked at heat producers and heat transfers.


Year 3/4 have also been getting into the Christmas spirit, making a start on some beautiful, hand sewn Christmas decorations and some festive silhouette art.


Miss Halls l Relieving Yr 3/4 Teacher

Infants Learning


I loved doing Art, especially the Art we did on Sport. I loved playing cricket for sport too. Keeden


I enjoyed Art and Writing because I have really improved. Hugo


I have really improved my writing this year and I liked Art too. Sebastian


I liked how much my writing has improved and I enjoyed learning my times tables. Zac


I love Maths and I have really improved and I liked cooking the reindeer. Blayde


I liked playing touch at the Touch football carnival and I love drawing. Banjo


I love Art and I liked making my Halloween picture with a pumpkin and a cat. Noah E


I like typing up my writing at the computer lab and I liked playing cricket. Ellie


Ms Downey l Yr 2/3 Teacher


K-6 Pool Party

Wednesday 18th December is our end of year Pool Party. We will be walking to the park for a snack and hopefully a visit from Santa (if he is in the neighbourhood). Then we will go to the pool for some end of year fun! Please ensure permission notes are returned so everyone can participate.


Presentation Night

Presentation Night is on Thursday 12th December in the school hall and we look forward to celebrating another successful year at Boorowa Central School. The night commences at 6.45pm everyone seated for a 7pm start. Prize recipients should be in their full school uniform.


Mrs Proudford l Assistant Principal -  Infants

Formal Assembly - Wk 6

Class Awards


Bradlee Cox for increased focus when learning

Lilliannah Campbell for fantastic independent learning

Year 1   

Mason Friend for using tense well in his writing tasks    

Year 2/3

Mason Owen for working hard on his writing

 Zac Reid for working hard to improve in all areas          

Year 3/4   

Caspian Franklin for being an independent and conscientious learner

Nathan Trevillian for always displaying a positive attitude

Year 5/6   

Eclair Eastham-Ward for improvement and effort across the curriculum

Jakeb Friend for improved effort and application in classroom learning

Bronze Star Card Awards

Lilyarna Caldwell, Bradlee Cox, Phillian-Ford Neeson, Markis Eastham-Ward,

Silver Awards

Mila Patyuk, Nathan Trevillian, Dylan Roberts, Hayden Croker, Max Galvin, Kayla Apps, Ella Wilson, Mason Owen, Sebastian Crozier, Banjo Crozier, Hunter Stephen, Josh Jones, Hugo Mayne, Mia Gibbons, Annabelle Smith

GOLD Awards

Emily Ford, Blayde Trotter

Service Awards

Declan Friend, Breah Polsen, Mila Patyuk, Macie Harris, Preston Harris, Emma Craig, Alex Craig, Belle Riles, Brock Riles, Ellie Jones, Josh Jones, Hunter Stephen

Week 7 & 8 Assembly Awards



Star Students

Week 7

Kinder - Emmett Crozier for independent learning

Year 1-Macie Harris for helping their friends keep on track while finishing work.

Year 2/3 – Hugo Mayne for working well in class.

Week 8

Kinder – Ivy Cross for being responsible and reliable and participating in everything.

Year 1 –  Mila Patyuk for working hard in all areas.

Year 2/3 – Dylan Roberts for being a responsible class member.

Primary Awards:

Week 7

Tyler Sullivan for giving 100% across all areas

 Destiny Hardefeldt for giving 100% across all areas                       

Week 8

Hayden Croker for working above and beyond in all class activities.

 Aidan Bool for great application towards the Year 7 transition days       

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Awards

 Week 7

Infants: Macie Harris and Dylan Roberts

Primary: Mia Gibbons and Breah Polsen

Week 8

  • Infants: Banjo and Sebastian Crozier
  • Primary: Mia Gibbons and Keeden Caldwell

Star Cards

Week 7

1st Star Card – Scarlett-Rose Hendry, Noah Eldridge

3rd Star Card – Deklan Friend, Avril Robertson, Hayley Harding, Mackenzie Stephen, Hamish Kennedy, Joshua Gorham

4th Star Card- Sliver – Alexander Craig, Fergus Smith, Brock Riles, Beau Howell,Joyce Hawley

5th Star Card – Matilda Dennett, Kirsten Piper, Tayla Grey, Fynn Overhall, Joshua Jones, Blake Cross, Nathan Trevillian, Preston Harris, Jordan Grimson

Week 8

1st Star Card – Aidan Bool, Phoenix Franklin,

3rd Star Card – Chloe McClung, Declan Parkes, Aleksander Cummins, Emma Craig, Jacob Kennedy, Nicholas Wilson, Kyle Pye, Tristen Pye, Mason Howell

4th Star Card- Jakeb Friend, Tyler Dennett, Tamsyn Ritchie, Breah Polsen, Carrie Smith, Destiny Hardefeldt, Eclair Eastham-Ward, Elle McIntosh, Ashley Walsh

5th Star Card- Finlay Shore, Max Galvin, Isabella Piper, Hayden Croker, Belle Riles, Keeden Caldwell

Reading Awards

Week 7

200 Nights:  Mila Patyuk


Library News 


We welcome back Mrs Eustace to the library this week. 


We love to see our students enjoying our library collection and always encourage borrowing from our great range in the library.  As we draw closer to the end of the year we request that students return all their overdue books so that they can borrow several books over the long summer break.


To assist your children to remember to return their books after fourteen days of borrowing, class times are as follows:-


Tuesday - Kindergarten and Year 5/6

Wednesday - Years 1 and 3/4

Thursday - Year 2/3


The Library Team