Engagement and Wellbeing

Act of Kindness Award

School Bus Travel for 2020

Families who are eligible and wish to use one of the three country bus services next year are required to complete and return a new application form for their child/children and return it to the office by the end of Term 4.

Likewise, if your child/children attend our Scotsburn campus and would like to use our between campus service, a new application form is also required.

If your child/children are already bus travellers, we will be sending a form home with the eldest child in the family in the next few weeks. For new travellers, please call into the office to see Mel for an application form and further details.

Please note: All current bus rolls will be cleared at the end of Term 4 and only children for which we have new application forms for will be permitted to travel.

Thank you for your understanding.