A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Students have been very busy practicing for their Athletics Day, which will be held on Friday, 2nd September.
Children have been reminded of their House Colours, and on the day children can wear a T-shirt in the colour of their team.
It is always a fun day, and we look forward to parents joining us. More information will be shared closer to the date.
Mr Josh Wild (Physical Education teacher) and Year 6 students have been setting up the equipment for students to practise. We thank them and the teachers for taking the children for practice regularly.
Congratulations to all our children who will be making the Sacrament of the Eucharist and Confirmation with Bishop Shane this Saturday night and Sunday at 11am Mass.
A big thanks to all the parents who assisted in their child's preparation.
Special thanks to Laura O'Sullivan (Parish Sacramental Co-Ordinator), Leanne Pellegrino, (St. Brendan's Catholic Identity Leader) and all teachers.
I'm sure all candidates will have a wonderful day.
Performing Arts
During Term 3, students in Year 5/6 have been rehearsing a variety of items to be presented during a day promoting Performing Arts.
Students will participate in songs, along with other students from other schools.
These activities are designed to promote confidence and display their talents.
A concert will be open to parents of these students at St. Mel's on Wednesday, 31st August.
A permission form from Operoo has been sent via email for the students to attend on this day.
We have had a large numbers of jumpers and tracksuit pants left outside each day, along with lunch boxes and small containers.
These items have been collected and have been left for students to claim, however not all have been claimed to date. If you are missing any of these items, please check with the school office.
We ask that you ensure all children's belongings are named and marked.
Thanks for your understanding.
Book Week
Next Friday, 26th August we will celebrate Book Week and look forward to seeing children dressed as their favourite book character.
Parents and Friends have organised a Coffee Van for Parents/Grandparents to enjoy. Please refer to the Parents and Friends page for full details.
Thank you
We would like to thank Brenton Kiel for his fantastic donation of $1,000 for Sporting equipment.
Josh Wild (Physical Education teacher) purchased Soccer Goals which the children have loved. We have also purchased the Blaze Pods which children of all ages love.
The new large portable Soccer Goals are used every lunch and recess, as well as some Blaze Pods which are used in the P.M.P program. The Blaze Pod is a light based reflex training piece which offers a fun way to improve your agility, balance, co-ordination, reaction time, strength and spatial awareness.
The Parents and Friends, in their Newsletter page, asked if any businesses could support them with a donation.
Once again, thank you to Brenton and Andrea Kiel. Pictured below are Brenton and his children Will and Eliza with the new big Soccer goals and some Blaze Pods. Will and Eliza were very excited with the new equipment.
Yours sincerely
Paula Stevenson - Principal