VCE High Achievers

Year 9 and 10 Enrichment Day

"On Thursday 1 September, a group of Year 9 and 10 students went to Mentone Girls’ Grammar for a Community by Design enrichment day with students from other local schools. The theme of the day was Loneliness and Social Isolation.  We had a keynote presentation from Dr Michelle Lim, who is the Director of the Social Health and Wellbeing Laboratory at Swinburne University. It was very comprehensive on the statistics and effects of loneliness in modern day society. 


There was also discussion with a panel of Police Officers and Community representatives about the ramifications of loneliness and social isolation in the community. The students then broke into small groups and brain-stormed various solutions to combat these issues. Each group then chose a solution to the implications of loneliness and isolation, and developed practical methods of implementation of their solution. 


The day was very informative and productive, as we collaborated with new peers, and worked towards solutions to an unfortunate reality in our community.  What made our day even more significant is that our designs and solutions are being sent off to Kingston Council for their consideration. 


Thanks to Ms Stammers for organizing and accompanying the St Bede’s students, and to Mentone Girls’ Grammar for hosting the day."

Tom Gregory and Archie Lamb (Year 10)