Dear Parents / Carers, Families and College Community


As I look out the windows of the ‘Corner Office’ in finalising the weekly wrap article there is a ray of sunshine and no precipitation falling, at the moment. It is certainly wet underfoot around the College with the amount of rain that we have received in the last week. The rain is certainly welcome and we are forecast for more this coming week. This will assist greatly with the run off into the dams in preparation for the next irrigation season. 


COVID-19 Update

As we all continue to navigate COVID and its impacts we can all do our part. The focus has shifted from that of mandates to personal responsibility. With this change of focus:

  • Students and staff are strongly encouraged to continue to wear masks particularly indoors.
  • Reminded to regularly wash and sanitise their hands and maintain high standards of personal hygiene.

Students and staff are still required to wear masks when travelling in college vehicles. Students who use school bus services or public transport are also still required to wear masks.


The College has been advised that in the coming weeks we will be receiving the next allocation of RAT’s to be issued to students. Each student will receive another allocation of twenty RAT’s. The indication is that the bulk of these are the nasal type. Once the allocation has been received the College will follow a similar process to distribute these to the students. We will provide further information and details of the distribution once the RAT’s have been received and they are ready to be handed out. 


Cattle Club

This term the College has secured the services of Peter Gelmi to assist a group of interested students with the leading and showing of cattle. The culmination will be a selection of students involved and competing in the Brunswick Show later this year. For people that may not know, Peter recently retired at the end of 2021 as an Agricultural teacher at the College. Peter is a RAS Councillor and has had a long involvement with Junior Judging Competitions at regional agricultural shows and the Royal Show. We thank Peter for making his time available to instruct and mentor the students.



Further to details and information provided in the previous weekly wrap, the College continues to liaise and seek advice from DPRID in relation to Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). The College’s Biosecurity Plan is being reviewed and updated as required. Footbaths are in use and details of additional biosecurity measures and procedures, if and when required will be implemented and publicised.


Digital Footprint

As part of the College’s protective behaviours education we take the opportunity to provide updates and information to students and the College community. With the use of electronic devices, software, apps and immersion in the world of technology we all leave behind a ‘digital footprint’. This is often the first check and filter made of an individual when applying for a job.


We all need to be aware of what interactions we engage in and undertake through the electronic medium at school, work and in our personal lives. It is very easy to swipe, flick, click and post, especially on social media. A good filter is as follows, if you are not prepared to receive the reaction or consequences when face to face with a person do not text/post the written information. If you are unsure as to whether an image is appropriate or if you have permission to do so – don’t do it. The filter for this would be, if you are not prepared to show your conservative grandmother the image – it is not appropriate to post. We all need our digital footprint to be a positive firm impression. 


Often images or videos are taken quickly and uploaded or posted on social media platforms. For those that are not aware there are laws surrounding intimate images. Attached is an information sheet of frequently asked questions from the Government of Western Australia as a reference for students, staff and parents in relation to intimate images. 


At times people may be, or suspect they may be, scammed, coerced or exploited into providing information or images. If you believe this is the situation for yourself or someone else you can seek assistance by contacting your local Police or refer to the details in the information sheet attached if you have further questions.


Bandwidth Upgrade

Last week I mentioned the upgrade to the bandwidth at the College. To date this appears to be all working well and functioning as it should – which is great! Happy students and happy staff when they can get connectivity, given our reliance on this for day to day operations. We will continue to monitor over the coming weeks. 



Stay safe, look after each other and have a great weekend!