Year 12 Important Dates

Term 3
We have had a good start to Term 3 with students getting back into their classrooms and resuming sports. Year 12 students spent Week 1 revising and preparing for their HSC Trial Examinations. Their teachers have done an incredible job supporting students throughout the year and during the holidays by running study sessions.
We also appreciate the support provided to students by parents and guardians during this exam period and with attendance throughout the term. It is important that students are at school and engaging with their learning to be successful Cecil Hills High School graduates.
Exam Tips for Year 12 Students
Tip #1: Read the paper properly
When the exam time starts, begin by going through the entire exam paper, including the important front page, during reading time. Allocate time wisely. The front of the paper provides suggestions for the time you should be allocating to each section.
Tip #2: Make notes
Write down important points and ideas a blank page of the exam paper. This will allow you to concentrate on one question at a time. It also gives you something to refer to later.
Tip #3: Start with an easy one
Start with the question that you’re most sure of having a great answer. This will calm your nerves and build your confidence.
Tip #4: Look for keywords
Circle or highlight important words in questions worth 8 marks or more – these questions usually require multiple paragraphs. For an extended response, planning is essential.
Tip #5: Make sure you really understand the question
On reading the question clearly and answer the question asked in the format required. Use the marks or number of lines given as an indicator as to how much you should write.
Tip #6: Think you've finished?
Check, check and check again.
Upcoming Events
There are a number of exciting events coming up as Year 12 complete their last term of school. Please make a note of the following dates:
- Year 12 Graduation Tuesday September 20 (Week 10)
- Year 12 Picnic Day Wednesday September 21 (Week 10)
- Year 12 Formal Thursday September 22 (Week 10)
Ms Sahid
Relieving Deputy Principal
Year 9 and Year 12