Year 10 Moving Forward

Year 10 Pathway - Term 3
Term 3 will be an exciting time for all year 10 students. In term 2 they have been immersed in several talks about options for their future pathways. Our Which Way Now and our Which Way Forward program have seen huge success in the past and give students the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their future. 40% of our students at Cecil adopt a work or TAFE pathway and 60% go to university.
The most important thing is that they adopt the right pathway for them as every student is unique.
During this term we will have some very important dates and opportunities that if you are a year 10 student or parent/carer you will not want to miss. Our Year 10 Subject Information Evening is on Tuesday 2nd of August between 5.15pm to 6.30pm in the school Gymnasium. All students, parents and carers are invited to this event. There will be a presentation linked to future pathways followed by an opportunity for students, parents and carers to talk to their teachers and look at material related to all subjects/courses offered here at Cecil and courses delivered off-site through external vocational education and training subjects (EVET).
Year 10 Individual Interviews will take place on Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of August. Students will not attend normal classes on the day of the interview and will come in only for the interview dressed in professional attire. Parents and Carers are also encouraged to attend the interview! A schedule indicating interview times will be posted on google classroom. During the interview they will choose the subjects that they will be studying in year 11.
It is certainly an exciting time for year 10 that they do not want to miss!
Year 10 Food Technology Pizza Success
Well done to our year 10 Food Technology class and their very dynamic and enthusiastic teacher Mrs O’Sullivan. Who would of thought students could be that creative with pizza. Our year 10 Food technology students have the exciting opportunity to cook and be creative every Friday during period 4 from weeks 2 to 9.
There next practical assessment is in week 7 where students must make something that they would sell in a food truck. I am looking forward to seeing their brilliant work. Well done to all involved.
Mrs Lord
Deputy Principal
Year 10