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Education Week 2022 - Creating Futures - Education Changes Lives
Education week 2022 will be held in Week 3 and the theme this year is ‘creating futures – education changes lives’.
This week gives us a chance to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our students and school community, to reflect on the opportunities we provide and the impact that Cecil Hills High School has on the lives of our students.
Over the course of the week, we will be sharing some of the wonderful experiences that our students enjoy every day in the classroom, in the playground and in the extra-curricular activities that are on offer.
If you have a positive message that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you!
Year 12 Trial Examinations
Year 12 have now completed their first week of Trial Examinations. These provide an excellent opportunity to get a ‘feel’ for the HSC examination and are conducted under identical conditions. It has been great to see the grit, determination and positivity shown by our students in their approach to these exams.
In terms of ‘creating futures’, the efforts that our Year 12 students have put in leading up to this period should hold them in good stead for some positive results in these exams. As they move deeper into their last term of school, these students have an opportunity to work closely with their teachers, to take the next step toward creating the future they desire.
Term 3
We have had a busy start to term 3 and it has been fantastic to have the opportunity to meet with many of our parents and carers. Last week we had a very successful year 7 and 8 parent teacher interview evening and next week will be holding subject selection presentations for Years 8 and 10. It is always pleasing to have so many parents and carers in attendance for these important events.
We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our community, to help our students create the futures they desire.
Mr Lane
Relieving Principal