Captains Report

Hello MWPS Community!
Welcome back to Term 3 everybody! We hope you are all enjoying being back at school! This week school reports went home along with some other important information. A gentle reminder that it is crucial that the Year 6 students return their forms for secondary school if they haven’t already done so as they were due last term.
Miss Cook and the JSC are beginning a Podcast about Melton West Primary School. Things that we can expect on the Podcast include an interview with our principal Mrs Costa and students will all talk about how they are feeling and what they may want to improve around our school. We cannot wait for this exciting way of communicating to begin.
This week our School Wide Positive Behaviour focus is to be safe by playing on the correct playground. The equipment is different sizes for different grade levels so being on the incorrect equipment could be dangerous. Our teachers and ES give out raffle tickets for students who are displaying positive behaviours. Ms Moore has also placed an order for new rewards for the Dojo Shop that can be purchased using your Dojo points. The points are awarded to students for positively displaying the expectations of our school. Some of the new items include sensory fidget toys, along with soccer balls and basketballs.
Have a great week!
Noah and Angela