Book Week 2022

Scholastic partners with Australian schools through our Rewards program, which is designed to support educators with much-needed funding to build school and classroom resources. Each book you order directly helps our school.

 Order online only through Loop (no cash orders taken at school) 


Issue 6 Catalogue coming .

Book Week 2022

This week has seen us celebrate Book Week.  Our school has celebrated Australian children's literature by undertaking class activities, hosting a book fair on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and a dress up parade.


Our Book Fairopened on Wednesday and continues Thursday (today) afternoon in the BER/Library building between 3.30 - 4.30 pm, so please stop by to browse the books for sale.   All proceeds from your purchases go towards the ongoing purchase of books for our library.

**Please note, no cash sales, eft/credit card only.



Orders for our school via the LOOP app. 


Apple App Store

Android - Google Play


Here is the latest Bookclub catalogue to order from: