
#LoveOzYa is an Australia-wide group which champions oung adult literature by and for Australians.


Powered by a team of passionate volunteers, #LoveOzYa aims to support teachers, librarians, writers and readers of Australian YA with news, resources, events and more!

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Only 14 days left in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Challenge ends 2nd September




Once again, we had some great games of chess. Thank you to all competitors.Chess champion for third term in a row…the amazing Rhea Fernandez of Year 8 St Paul.  Rhea also won the teacher and student competition against a worthy challenger, MrVickery.  



The students have been using their creative skills to design some lovely dreamcatchers. They have been learning new skills and I look forward to seeing them completed in the  weeks to come.


Next week is Book Week. There will be lots of activities in the library including movies atlunchtime. Starting the week with Harry Potter and finishing with Percy Jackson and the lightning thief.  There will also be Kahoots, a treasure hunt and more.


Tracey Scott

Head Librarian