Road To Zero Experience
On the 12th of August, the Year 11 and 12 VCAL students received the opportunity to experience the Road to Zero Program situated at the Melbourne Museum. Liam, our facilitator, showed us the importance of road safety and how it affects every driver, passenger, pedestrian, and cyclist.
For our first activity, we were split into groups and then got allocated into pods, where we got the chance to create an educational road safety awareness video. Our videos were based on variations of topics that were already provided. Which included us choosing pre recorded videos, different music and sound effects to insert and a slogan that was appropriate for our videos.
To finalise the excursion, it was time for us to explore the gallery that had exciting informational experiences for us to try out such as the VR (virtual reality). These included going into an elevator which demonstrates how different speeds on the road affect our bodies and the effect of a dramatic “drop” from the 11th floor. Overall, we all had such an amazing time learning and experiencing road safety.
Bianca Fernandez and Jasmine Nicolas, Year 12 VCAL
Road Safety Prayer
Father, we pray for safety on our roads, for those who design and build our highways and streets, and for all traffic-control systems. We pray for faithful design and maintenance so that all road-users may travel with confidence. Lord hear us.
We pray for all who make and administer our traffic laws, so that the highest of standards are set and maintained, ensuring safety for all drivers who travel the network of our road system. Lord hear us.
We pray for all those who use our roads for work or for leisure, in all forms of road transport, and for all pedestrians who traverse our carriageways, so that all of us may be alert to our responsibilities one to another. Lord hear us.