Student News

Year 7 French Day
The French Day incursion, held today (29th July) is a whole day event for Year 7 French students, as well as Years 8-10 French elective students) to benefit from a variety of language and cultural immersion activities that build upon the content and linguistic skills embedded in the Languages curriculum in an authentic context.
Preparations started on Thursday afternoon (28th July), with our Foundation VCAL students from 10.6 and 11.7 making up 40 batches of crepe mixture. The students developed their team work and problem solving skills, whilst making a great contribution to the running of French Day.
Students were really engaged today, and all classes enjoyed cooking or eating French crepes with maple syrup and cream.
During the French Impressionist art activity, the students focused on small individually coloured brushstrokes to create the impression of the light dancing across the top of a lily pond.
The Batons Français performers had the students entertained and completely engaged with their dramatic performance that touched upon French language and culture with comedic flair!
Other students enjoyed a fabulous French music activity whilst Napoleon hats and Eiffel Tower models were created in our two French craft and art rooms.
Students told us how much this was a highlight event in the school calendar for them! Bravo to all the wonderful student helpers and college staff that contributed in any way to make this French Day 2022 such a success for the students!
Year 11 Psychology - ArtVo Excursion
On Monday, 18th July, the Year 11 Psychology students visited the ArtVo Visual Illusions Museum in Docklands to investigate perceptual constancies and illusions. The students had fun exploring the hundreds of visual illusions and relating their knowledge back to psychology.
Victorian State School Spectacular
On Monday 25th July, students participating in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular attended their fourth and final local rehearsal at Officer Secondary College with other schools from the South-East region.
On the day, they perfected their dance moves and learnt about stage directions and other behind the scenes operations, in preparation for their dress rehearsals coming up on the 8th and 9th of September at John Cain Arena.
Students were also very excited to receive their costumes and were able to practice while wearing them.
Tickets are still available to attend the Victorian State Schools Spectacular
For a fun, family entertainment experience, and to cheer on our students from the audience visit
Jamie Gourlay and Sophie Wood
PSC Victorian State School Spectacular Coordinators
Science Incursion with University of Melbourne
On the 13th July we were fortunate to have students from the University of Melbourne's Science Department come to the College to conduct interesting science demonstrations and talk about their experiences in their education journey to our Year 7 students.
Year 10 Career Expo and Try a Trade
Last Week the Year 10 students visited The South East Career Expo and Try a Trade to find out about post school education and employment opportunities. The students were able to get a 'hands-on' experience of areas such as bricklaying, carpentry, cake decoration, changing a tyre plus much more. The exhibitors included all the major universities and TAFEs as well as registered training organisations, major employers and government departments from the local vision.
Year 9 Melbourne Career Expo
On the 15th July, Year 9 students had a fantastic day visiting the Melbourne Career Expo at the Exhibition and Convention Centre in the city. They had the opportunity to discover many different types of tertiary and trade opportunities as well as many different career options for the future.
Studio Arts
Studio Arts students have learnt to research, record ideas, interpret art and practise their skills through the use of materials and techniques. The theme was 'Nature' and they produced some fantastic artworks!!
VCAL Numeracy
Our Intermediate VCAL students found out the real world importance of mathematics for their Numeracy class. Here are Year 11.5 making truffles to revise how to use ratios to adjust recipes.
School Clubs and Activities
Due to timetable changes in Semester 2, some of the School Clubs times/dates have changed. Please check the below list for more information.
All students are welcome to attend any of the School Clubs. If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate Coordinator.
Get Active!
Keeping active every day is great for your body, mind and spirit!
Why not borrow some sport equipment at recess or lunch?
Just see Miss Robinson or Miss Morrow in the Gym to find out how!!!