Community News

Community News
Diamond Valley Athletics Club
The Diamond Valley Athletic Club invites students - & their parents - interested in a season of Cross Country running with Athletics Victoria, to register their interest with DVAC Registrar, Lyn Davis on mob: 0409 005 406 or email:
Competition age groups for girls and boys are Under 14, Under 16, Under 18 and Under 20. As well, the competition is available to Open age, 40+ & 50+ age categories. Training sessions under qualified Coaches are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Willinda Park, Greensborough from 4:30pm. These sessions are free to club members.
The 2022 Winter season offers a mixture of Cross Country & Road running to cater for all abilities.
For further information, contact DVAC Secretary, Max Balchin on 0409 350 280 or check the websites or
But wait, there’s more!
We also host several smaller activities available for some of our smaller communities;
Become a Teacher's Aide - Enrolments still open - Certificate III in School Based Education Support
This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to provide assistance and support to teachers and students in a range of educational settings. This includes primary, secondary and special development schools and areas of early childhood education. Speak to us about real employment outcomes achieved by our graduates.Ring Prace on 9462 6077 or visit our website: