Music Matters

Woo hoo! The restrictions of the playing of woodwind and brass instruments, as well as singing in schools, were lifted this week. That meant that all our ensembles were able to rehearse for the first time in almost two terms!
Soundworks rehearsals are back!
Last Monday after school saw the return of Soundworks (Year 7 Concert band) rehearsals. Mr Ondaatje was bursting with joy to see his Munchkins all in the same room making music. They blew out the cobwebs and played some old favourites like “Oh When The Saints”. It was a great turnout for our first week back at short notice and the students are to be commended on how well they have kept their playing skills up during lockdown. We can’t wait to see them perform to an audience very soon.
Concert Band rehearsal has almost 100% attendance first week back!
Last Tuesday Mr Rowlands was delighted to see an almost full turnout for Concert Band’s first rehearsal back after such a long time away. They played through a selection of old and new pieces, including The Sesame Street Theme and Celtic Air and Dance No.3. They were making some wonderful sounds and are sure to impress an audience very soon.
Senior Jazz becomes a Combo
Due to restrictions on different year levels attending different days this week, only the year 8s, 9s and 11s were able to attend Tuesday’s rehearsal. This meant we only had a small jazz combo able to rehearse but they sounded awesome. They played through the Senior Jazz repertoire including The Chicken, Fever and Big Mamma Cass. I can’t wait for them to play to a live audience again.
Wind Symphony hanging for next week
As with Senior Jazz on Tuesday restrictions affected the attendance at Wind Symphony rehearsal this week. Despite this, the small group on-site made some pretty impressive sounds and were watched live through Teams by other keen members wanting to play along at home. Next week with all students on-site except the year 12s, will see Wind Symphony almost back to full strength.
Stringworks and String Orchestra
Both Stringworks and String Orchestra’s first rehearsals back this week had excellent turnouts. This is a great sign for our future after such a challenging time. Congratulations to all string players for staying engaged throughout lockdown and keeping your playing standards up. Well done!
VCE Music Group and Solo Performance exams almost complete with one solo Cello exam to go
Congratulations to our VCE Music Group and Solo Performance students on completing their practical exams on Sunday 17th October.
Elina Jayamanna and Gabriella Milonas who are both solo vocalists, had their exams at Fintona Girls’ School in the morning. They then dashed over to Emmaus College to perform in the two VCE Groups.
Bernard Chin on Tenor Saxophone and George Cook on electric bass guitar were performing a range of songs supported by a team of thirteen musicians.
All four of the students being assessed can be proud that they produced their best performances on the day. It was so great to see their smiling faces after they had finished and realised that they had done so well.
It takes a village...
Thank you to Oscar Purnell (bass guitar) and Ethan Jayamanna (Tenor Sax and Guitar) in year 12, Nanki Singh Chadha (Vocals), Ethan McLeod (Trombone) and Noah Freitas (Trumpet) in year 11 and Abbey McDonald (Baritone Saxophone) and Jamie Blacker (Guitar) in year 8, for all your dedication to support Bernard and George in their groups. You had Covid tests before each rehearsal in the last weeks of term 3, four times through the holidays and the first two weeks of term 4. Then you gave up a large chunk of your Sunday for the exam and played brilliantly to boot. I know Bernard and George really appreciated all your efforts.
Thanks also to Mr O’Connell and his son Max for giving up their time for all the rehearsals and the exams. Max accompanied Bernard on drums in some of his pieces. Thanks also to Mr Verco (bass guitar and trombone guidance) and Mr Dean (drums) for their efforts. A huge thank you to Ms McGee for all her work behind the scenes creating events on Compass and making sure everyone was Covid safe. Lastly, but by no means least, thank you to Mrs Howes for all her incredible preparation of the VCE students under such challenging circumstances. The students have all surpassed their best expectations in their performances and can be very proud of their achievements, well done everyone.
Nick Dean
Music Coordinator
Player Profile
At Doncaster Secondary College, we have some amazingly talented musicians in our mix and the Music department would like to showcase our performers through a regular Player Profile newsletter segment. In this edition, I'd like to introduce our readers to Janica Cheung.
Joshua Verco
Instrumental Music Instructor
Janica Cheung, Year 12
Hey Janica. What instruments do you play?
Hi! I play the Cello.
When did you start learning to play music?
I was exposed with piano since I was 8 years old and then took an interest in cello at the start of year 7.
What school ensembles do you play in?
String Orchestra.
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Doncaster SC?
Mrs Howes.
What is your favourite song or genre to play?
Classical. At the moment I quite enjoy playing Rachmaninoff - Vocalise Op 34 no.14.
What bands or musicians do you like to listen to or have influence you a lot?
2Cellos have nice playing as well as Yo-Yo Ma.
What is your most memorable performance to date?
Being invited to play at a wedding with a piano accompaniment for the first time.
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
Going to the Blackburn workshops and learning different techniques from different peers and cello teachers.
What non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
Gaming and K-Drama.
What do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
A stress outlet.
What is your favourite food to eat?
Lasagne and most matcha related foods.
Any cool nicknames at school?
None RIP.
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?)?
Too many to keep track of! :P.
Thank you for sharing your journey into music with us, Janica!