From the Team 

3/4 Classrooms

Return to school

Author Visit from Andrew McDonald



This week the Team 3/4 students were absolutely delighted to return to onsite learning! We had lots of excited and smiling faces as the gates were opened on Tuesday morning, as well as a few, understandable, nerves. We are all thrilled to be back in the classroom and very relieved not to be confined to a chair and our iPads for the day! We would like to congratulate and thank all our students and parents for the hard work they have done over the remote learning period, we know it wasn’t always easy!


 Author Visit -Andrew McDonald

One of the final online learning opportunities that our students got to participate in was a visit from a guest speaker Andrew McDonald, author of the Real Pigeon series. This was a timely opportunity for our students to hear about the writing process from a real author just prior to them beginning their own narrative story writing. Andrew is passionate about sharing stories and inspiring kids to read, write and create and I know many of our students were inspired after hearing him speak! In his online session, Andrew talked with the students about writing his Real Pigeons books, demonstrated his creative process and engaged with the students by completing fun and interactive writing activities that helped develop their storytelling skills. We now look forward to writing and sharing our own narrative stories over the coming weeks! 



























