Junior School Council 

Term 4 Events and Important Dates

Woohoo for our return to onsite learning - we are very excited!


Which means an opportunity for our 2021 second semester Junior School Councillors to get together and plan our next two whole school events.


Mark in your diaries:

  • International Day of Tolerance (Tuesday 16th November - week 7)
  • JSC Social Service Day (Wednesday 8th December - week 10)

JSC lunchtime meetings, in a venue to be decided, are scheduled for:

Monday 8th November

Monday 15th November

Monday 29th November

Dress themes and activities for the events will be decided together at these meetings.

News from John, our World Vision Sponsor Child.


John lives in Lower Yatta, Kenya. This is a rural area 180km from Nairobi. The climate is hot and dry and about 22,000 people live here. Most people are farmers, but drought, deforestation and poor farming methods make it hard to grow enough food. Many children are malnourished. Health facilities are inadequate and low immunisation rates, lack of clean water and poor hygiene lead to ill health, especially amongst children. Education quality is poor and many parents can’t afford school fees. Children often drop out of school to work.


From our sponsorship, World Vision provides support to John and other children in the community. In October and September -

  • 78 community members and medical staff were given personal protective equipment like soap, hygiene kits, and gloves, to help protect them and their families from COVID-19
  • 4000 girls and boys took part in child protection activities as part of our COVID-19 response, helping to keep them safer from abuse, and
  • 150 children received information about COVID-19 in age-specific ways, helping them to stay healthy and protect themselves.

Thank you for your gold coin donations  in Terms 1 and 2 on the JSC Social Service Days. They support John and his community in Lower Yatta to overcome poverty and injustice.