Sport and PE Report 

Welcome Back to Onsite Learning!

I would like to say a massive welcome back to all students and families as we return to onsite learning, from Wednesday 3rd November! I am very excited to see all students and look forward to a wonderful term of PE and Sport.


BPPS Year 3/4 Bike Education

As we return to onsite learning, I am happy to announce that all Year 3 and 4 students will be completing a Bike Education and Safety course in Term 4. This program will run for three weeks inside the Physical Education classroom, with the first classes beginning on Tuesday 9th November. 


This compulsory program will provide students with the opportunity to develop their cycling and road safety skills. Cycling is an excellent form of physical activity and is an environmentally friendly way of travelling to and from school.


Each student is required to have a bicycle in safe working order and an approved helmet that fits correctly and is in good condition. The program will consist of a bicycle safety check, road safety discussions and practical riding skills in various environments. All three sessions will be taught within the school grounds.


I look forward to running this program within the school and am very excited to see students on their bikes!


BPPS Swimming Program 2021

As you are aware, we are currently in the process of organising the BPPS Swimming Program for 2021. We are very excited and hopeful that this program can go ahead, as we believe it will be the perfect way to end the school year.


We are currently asking for those students who will NOT be participating, to email through to myself in order to get a better understanding of our numbers, to help work out final costings and plan an effective program.


Keep an eye out for further information on this program.

Inside the PE classroom this week

Students will be focusing on the following topics over the next few weeks:

  • Foundation - Ball Handling Skills (Such as Bouncing, Throwing and Catching)
  • Year 1/2 - Striking Skills
  • Year 3/4 - Striking and Fielding Games
  • Year 5/6 - SEPEP (Basketball Unit)

Don't forget that children aged between 5 and 12 years of age should be aiming for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day.


Carley Thomas

BPPS PE and Sport Coordinator