Learning and Teaching

Poetry in LS1

This term our students have been learning how to write different types of poems. Our young poets have produced some amazing work, while building their vocabulary and engaging their imagination. Here is a sample of their wonderful work:



Layla Grade 3      Sister:

  1. My little ray of sunshine. An angel sent from heaven.
  2. Soft, glowing skin. Silky, brown hair. A smile that lights up a room.
  3. Cute as a button. I can’t resist her charm. Her sweet aroma draws me in.
  4. Giggle, chatter, bounce. Here she comes.
  5. ‘Play with me’ she begs. How can I say no?
  6. I would go to the ends of the Earth for her, do anything she wishes.
  7. Always covering me in sweet candy kisses and giving me warm hugs.
  8. So blessed to have her in my life. I will treasure her forever.


Charlize Grade 6        Ode to the environment:




The environment is for all of us to protect. 

It is not something we need to select.

Our nature is dying because of the pollution 

We need to come up with a solution 

Greenhouse gases and global warming is a thing 

We all need to get the message out and sing








Tyler Grade 3         The Cow



On a big farm, there was a large red cow,

This clumsy cow tried to do a bow,

But he quickly realised he didn't know how!





Isabella S Grade 4       The Witch's Spell Book


  1. Inside the huge chest it has a leather like piece inside.
  2. It was gigantic! Scrolling down many discoveries to find out.
  3. It had words making a spell maybe that can change the world.
  4. The mysterious treasure, Hidden with lots of words of wonders!
  5. Thick cover, thing pages and different word choice.
  6. Big and bold, very heavy I presume. Oh I wonder what it could be.
  7. Something full of action just reading it makes me oh so curious!
  8. What genre could it be? What messages lie underneath the treasure?