Principal  Message

Lock-down 6.0 continued...


Virtual Camp Week


It has just been an amazing week of virtual camp activities and from the high participation of our families it is clear it was a much needed event. Time away from screens, and outdoors with family has been such a highlight for everyone.  We cannot underestimate the impact lockdown has had on our children, and myself and the teachers were so happy to see the students enjoying themselves in the challenges, cooking, camping, creating and orienteering. If you want to see the positive impact it has had on our children, the Padlet link below will take you to the photos, videos and comments our community have posted throughout the week. Again, a fantastic display of community spirit in a very tough time.  Please refer to your child's teacher for more detailed info & photos.

Covid Safety in schools


As we begin to transition from remote learning back to school our community is navigating through the requirements, restrictions and timetables for a smooth and safe return. During these next few weeks as we work towards fulltime onsite learning for all our students please remember that if you have questions or are unsure about anything, please call or ask your classroom teacher for clarification.  I am also available if you have questions and we are working behind the scenes to ensure a safe learning and play environment for your child/ren.


Some things that might be different upon return will include:

  • Increased signage around the classrooms and the school grounds will be evident to encourage and remind us all about social distancing, washing hands and the use of masks.
  • Masks must be worn by our grades 3 - 6's when indoors from Monday 18th. We will ensure disposable masks are available however, if possible we ask that you send your child to school with a mask. If you are using disposables the latest advice is to change these at least twice a day.  We will have ziplock bags available for students to place their masks into when they are not using them, ie to go outside during play or PE. This minimises the spread of germs when students remove masks and place them on tables.
  • If you think your child has an exemption from wearing a mask, please put this in writing to me as soon as possible.

Exceptions for all year levels include:

Students with a physical or mental disability are not required to wear a face mask where their disability means it would not be suitable.

  • We recognise there will be circumstances that mean some students may not be able to wear a mask and we certainly do not want to cause distress for any students that might be exempt for a range of reasons.
  • If you are looking for a way to explain the use of masks and how to wear masks, the video link below offers a child friendly way to address the issue.

Goofy Wears a Mask

This is a video, aimed at primary children, is about how not to wear a mask.


I have placed other links to videos on the Covid Update page of this newsletter.

  • In terms of using the spaces the teachers will likely have rearranged the rooms to spread out the shared spaces.  We cannot eliminate all contact as is the nature of being in a classroom, but tables may be further apart
  • Maximise ventilation of their indoor spaces, either naturally or mechanically
  • Minimise the use of indoor space that can’t be ventilated with fresh, outdoor air (for example, spaces where windows cannot be opened, or where the window opens onto a noisy road), and where possible, reduce density quotient if the space needs to be occupied
  • Maximise the use of outdoor learning environments wherever practicable. I have submitted a grant application for a shade structure to go over the old pool area with the plan to convert into an outdoor learning area
  • Prioritise the use of air purifiers in high-risk settings (in addition to maximising ventilation, rather than as a replacement, where possible). This last point is subject to us receiving the Samsung air purifiers we are being provided with. I haven't got word on when that will be at this stage
  • We are stocktaking our sanitisers and soap stocks to ensure each classroom and wet area has these available.
  • Our shared resources such as computers will now follow a protocol after use to wipe down the computers using IT safe products
  • The students won't be able to access the library at this stage and lunchtime clubs where we share resources may have to either be postponed or modified., where possible
  • Assemblies are not allowed at the moment, although the children could meet outdoors, but no onsite visitors.

As you can see, there is lot to consider and there are a lot of changes, with more likely to come as students return to schools.  The teachers are aware that these changes after an extended period of lockdown may be difficult for the students and we will spend time explicitly teaching and modelling Covid safe behaviours, whilst also seeking to give the children a sense of stability and optimism by being back at school.  If you wish to discuss transition back and support your child needs after such a long time spent at home, please contact your classroom teacher/s as soon as possible to arrange this.

Take care and we look forward to seeing the Preps ad Grade 1/2's next week back onsite. 

Have a great weekend.
