Well families, that is nearly 2 weeks of Term 4 done and dusted!  Hope you are all surviving our final (hopefully) few weeks of Home learning.  Just a reminder that CHAPS is holding the following fundraiser for our awesome school -

The Gingerbread Folk House Drive

*Simply click the link to order!

*Select your option of a traditional, chocolate or gluten free (or all 3!!) kit and your order will be shipped directly to your door.

*Flat $5 postage rate no matter how many kits you order.

These kits will make perfect Christmas gifts.

Keep your kids entertained for hours and most importantly support our wonderful school with $13 from every kit going straight back into the school.

Please don't forget to share the link with family and friends as well. We would REALLY love it if you could share pictures of your finished products on our facebook page, which you can join by clicking on this link -

Thanks everyone and we hope to see you soon.