What's Happening at CHPS.... 

Staying Safe Together

....from First Aid Officer, Sophie Turnham

With the imminent return of all students to onsite learning, it is timely to consider what we can all do to minimise the threat of spreading germs within the school and give our best efforts to keeping our school community COVID-safe.

The Department of Education has issued specific protocols for dealing with students who present at Sickbay with any COVID-type symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Chills and sweats
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath (other than known asthma)
  • Runny nose
  • Loss or change in sense of smell or taste

Students with these symptoms will be isolated and parents contacted to collect from school.

If your child suffers from Hay Fever, please let the school know and please do not send your child to school of they have a cold, cough or sore throat.

Attached are some helpful guidelines put together by the DET, regarding sending your child to school if they are unwell.

Library News

I hope you have still had a chance to access some great books during our latest lockdown. I have read some fantastic books from the school Library and can’t wait to share these titles with the students when they return. 

As we would expect, due to the current lockdown and students once again doing remote learning, most students now have overdue library books;  we currently have nearly 1000 books overdue.  Please encourage your child(ren) to look for these books in preparation for a return to school whenever their level returns onsite.  Many will not remember if they have books out or not, I will email out notices a week or two after individual levels have returned.  Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Sue Offer  -  Library Technician

Middle School Narratives

Last term, a group of our Middle School writers participated in writing workshops that aimed to improve their storytelling ability. Over a number of weeks, Mrs Cassidy guided them through the writing process and they are very excited to share their finished pieces with you today.


The Artist 

by Emily, MMP


A fantastic tale of art, creativity & battle




The Great Storm

by Zahlie MMP


Disaster & survival in a stormy world




The Magical Pink Orb

by Zubeida, MMP


Becoming the Chosen One