Myrniong - ELC to Yr 6

Support To Get Through Remote Learning and Lockdown

A number of weeks ago, I mentioned the work of Australian mindset coach Ben Crowe.  The following are five of Ben’s suggestions for students, parents and staff experiencing lockdown and Remote Learning. 

  1. Before you write a ‘To Do’ list each day, write a ‘To Be’ list and make those words your only expectations that day.
  2. Remind yourself that ‘whatever I achieved today or didn’t achieve today, I am enough.
  3. When you wake up, finish the sentence I’m grateful and thankful for
  4. Be kind to yourself and to others.
  5. Identify and accept all the things you can’t control and let them go.  Focus only on the things you can control.

Junior School family check-in

It was great to have around 25 families online last night for the Junior School check-in.  It was lovely to feel connected and share remote learning questions and suggestions as a big group. If you would like to watch the recording of the session, please click here.


2021 NAPLAN Results

Year 3 and Year 5 families will soon receive their children’s 2021 NAPLAN results.  In early Term Four we will conduct a parent meeting focusing on the reading and interpreting of the results.  Restrictions will determine if this is an in person or online meeting.  On the back of a challenging and truncated 2020 and 2021, our Year 3 and Year 5 Junior School students achieved a very strong set of results.  Reading, Spelling and Writing were particularly pleasing, with the College scoring above the National and Victorian State averages in both year levels.  We also attained our highest scores in five years in Year 3 Numeracy, Writing and Spelling, and in Year 5 Reading and Writing.

BEBRAS Challenge - Round Two

Congratulations to the following students who achieved excellent results in the second BEBRAS Challenge for 2021.  BEBRAS is an international online computational thinking challenge where students are asked to solve a range of problems using logical thinking and informatics.  The challenge is run by CSIRO Digital Careers.



Lachlan Reid - Year 5

Elsie Brown - Year 4

Sam McDonald - Year 4

Reian Patel - Year 4

Jessica Templeton - Year 4

Freddy Nagorcka - Year 3

Grace O’Sullivan-Year 3



Evie Templeton - Year 4

Sophie Satchell - Year 4

Yolanda O’Sullivan - Year 4


High Distinction:

Andrew Sun - Year 4

Emma Milne - Year 3


Messages From Junior School House Captains


Hi Berry House Legends,

I hope that Remote Learning is treating you well.  Some days will be better than others.  Stay positive, have breaks outside, and stay in touch with one another.  “Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”

I can’t wait to see you all back at school soon.  Go Berry!!!

Tom Templeton


Hi Laidlavians

You are all doing a fantastic job with Remote learning.  

It is great that it is Spring and the weather is starting to warm up.  Get out and ride your bike, horse, motorbike or shoot some goals after you have finished your schoolwork for the day.   

We will all be back at school together soon. 

Will  Satchell


Hi Everybody,

I hope that you are all doing well in this, what, 7th lockdown?  To be honest I have lost count.  I have been attempting to look at the good things out of lockdown:


* I wouldn't be able to ride my horse everyday if there wasn't a lockdown.

* I am able to see my dog all day.

* I can help dad on the farm.

* Access to food is basically unlimited.


We will get through this.  My mum says, “Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”  I hope to see you all in person soon.

Millie Mould


Hello Fellow Young Guns,

I hope you are staying happy during Remote Learning!

I know that these are hard times with all the ‘in and out’ of lockdown, but it important to stay happy and look on the positive side of things.  Now you can spend time with your family, help out on the farm or play with your pets.  I recently got a new chook cage and I spent time with my Grandpa putting it together.  That was spending quality time with my family.

Remember to stay positive during this lockdown!

Marianna Novikov


Year 6 Memento Tops

Each year we set our Year 6 students the challenge of designing a memento top for their final year of primary school. They run through a design and selection process with our College uniform supplier, ‘Noone’.  The good news is our 2021 tops have arrived!  I would like to particularly thank Chloe Laidlaw and our Junior School leaders for their collective efforts in driving this initiative.  I cannot recall the process being completed in such a short time frame.  Finlay Hunt and Marianna Novikov’s designs were selected for the front and back.  The shirts are fantastic and we look forward to handing these out to our Year 6 students.

Well done Junior School leaders.


Mrs Bernadette Milich

Acting Head of Junior School