Parents and Friends

The year has been very stop-start but already we are in Term 4!
We do hope that families have coped ok during the tough isolation period and extended lockdown. Thankfully, the lockdown was lifted in time for the school holidays, meaning a very welcomed break to the remote learning.
Although the majority of the school community are not aware, our Fathers Day committee had worked extremely hard behind the scenes to bring everyone an amazing selection of locally sourced products. Unfortunately due to the snap lockdown in August, we were unable to advertise what was on offer.
We would like to thank Cher Hetherington, Jess Wright and their helpers for all the running around finding suppliers and pricing items.
We would also like to thank Trelly's Fishing World, WB Hunters, Teeshas Treats, Intersport & FixMp for the products offered for our stall.
We look forward to supporting their businesses in future planning.
Netball Carnival - scheduled for 17th October
Due to the ongoing limits on gatherings, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this event. Thankyou to Rachael Weber for taking on the role to be our coordinator again this year, we appreciate how big a role it is and hope you might be as keen again next year!
Term 4 Community Engagement
The Committee will be discussing how we can engage the school community in the next couple of months. We are keen to hear from any families with products/businesses who we can support in future events. Please email us with details of what you sell or services you offer so that we can compile a list to contact.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop
With the new term also brings a change of uniform. If you have items to donate, please send them to the school office in CLEAN and UNDAMAGED condition.
You can use the online form to order items - these will be sent home through the school bucket if we have your requested size.
Next Meeting
We have booked The Aussie to hold our next meeting on Tuesday, 19th October from
7pm - 8.15. The venue have specific booking times and do request that all attendees order a meal please. RSVP by Monday 18th October is essential to email address below:
Please Note: If restrictions are tightened, this meeting will be changed to an online version, with the same date and time.
Thankyou for your ongoing support,
Belinda Riseley (President), Ronnyne Magill (Secretary) and Bianca Lane (Treasurer).
Netball Club News
It was unfortunate that the 2021 season was cancelled due to lockdowns.
All teams had been enjoying their games, with our 13U team looking like they were going to make finals.
We do plan on having a breakup once restrictions are lifted - details will be sent to all families.
All players paid court fees at the beginning of the season - part of these have now been refunded to the club by the SNA. They are a significant amount, so we need to refund these funds to bank accounts.
Please check your emails, complete the information and return to our treasurer (Jo Ogilvie) by the end of October.
Twilight Season
The SNA have confirmed they plan to run a season commencing 9th November for 6 weeks. Age Groups include 9U and above.
All coaches & team managers from the 2021 season have the information regarding this and will have been in contact with registered players.
If you have a child wishing to play who was not registered for the 2021 winter season, please contact our club on to enquire about team options.
Uniform Donations
We welcome donations of uniforms no longer required. Please ensure these are in clean and undamaged condition. They can be sent to the club through the school office.
Charity Raffle
We are grateful to have raised $290 for GV Cares.
Congratulations to our winners: M. Harlow, S. Waters, T. McGregor, R. Black, L. Hueston, N. Vistentin, L. Ralston, L. Barber, B. Lane & K. Guilmartin.
Committee Meeting
Our St Brendan's Netball Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 2nd November at 7pm. More information will be provided closer to this date.
We can confirm that new members will be required for the Committee next year, to be elected at the above mentioned AGM.
The positions that will require filling are:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Equipment Manager
- Uniform Manager
If these positions are not filled at our AGM, the club will not be able to run effectively.
The SNA meeting is held early in February which requires a committee representative to attend.
All organisation for our club teams takes effect after this meeting to enable registrations to occur in time.
We look forward to seeing you again in person before the end of the year.
With thanks,
St Brendan's Netball Club