A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
We were so pleased to welcome back to school Foundation - Year 2 students (Monday to Friday) and they were so excited to be back at school with their friends and teachers.
The Year 3/4 students arrived on Tuesday and Wednesday with a buzz of excitement and settled back well.
Our 5/6 students arrived today, and also had a spring in their step when they came through the gates.
Our teachers were very happy to be back at school with their classes. Our Specialist teachers delivered their programs to all levels this week.
Next week the arrangements are the same as follows:
Foundation/Year 2: Monday to Friday
Years 3/4: Tuesday and Wednesday
Years 5/6: Thursday and Friday
Essential workers children must supply a current Authorised permit.
Our Year 3/6 students have been amazing in wearing their masks indoors. We have had windows/doors open to ensure plenty of ventilation.
Thanks to all parents for their support in these challenging times.
Staff Information
As you are already aware, Mrs Sally Mills will be retiring at the end of this year. We have advertised through Communication Matters (Sandhurst Newsletter, which goes to all schools and the online platform, Teachers on Net. The applications close on 3rd November. Interviews will take place on 10th November.
We farewell Miss Sophie Sidebottom, Year 5/6 who will be going to Darwin to teach for 12 months. We wish Sophie all the best in this exciting role.
We say goodbye to Madison Anderson (Foundation/1) who has gained employment at St. Brigid's Primary School, Healesville. Madison will look forward to being close to her family in Melbourne.
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of the following teachers:
Matt Cameron, who has been the Deputy Principal of Sacred Heart Tatura for the past
7 years.
Matt has lead Catholic Identity, Learning and Teaching and Pastoral Wellbeing. Matt has decided to go back into the classroom, as he wants to be involved fully in Learning and Teaching to benefit the children in his care.
Matt has lead the schools he has worked at in leading educative change at the whole school. Matt will be a valuable teacher at our school.
Ted Lindon has been teaching at Tarneit P-9 school, with over 2,200 students. Ted has taught a Year 6 class, and comes to us with assets as working in teams and has many strategies and programs for engaging students. Ted will be employed in our Senior Years.
Kate Turk is a Graduate teacher who has worked at our school this year. Kate has been involved in the tutoring program and worked closely with Sally Mills, Heather Woodman (Reading Recovery) and Millie Casey. Kate will be working in Junior Years.
We welcome our new staff to our school, and wish staff leaving all the best.
We will officially farewell our teachers at a later date.
School Times
Just a reminder that school begins at 8.55am. We ask if all children would arrive on time, as we have had children missing out on important learning.
I know it is difficult after being in remote learning, however we want children in the classroom at 9am. Thanks for your understanding.
Take care,