Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

Principal’s Update

Welcome Back

We hope that all our CNPS families managed to have a relaxing holiday. We have enjoyed seeing our students back on Zoom and are extremely excited to be welcoming everyone back onsite over the coming weeks. 


Transition Back to Onsite Learning 

The Victorian Government has announced the Roadmap to Deliver the National Plan.

The Roadmap, which is based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, sets out the staged return to onsite learning in Term 4, with the plan being that all students return onsite by Friday 5 November as follows:


For our school, this means that the following arrangements will be in place:



Remote and flexible learning will be delivered to students on the days they are not onsite.


Vulnerable children and children of parents or guardians who are on the authorised provider and authorised worker list can continue attending onsite.


Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) programs will be open for all students during Term 4 in line with their return to onsite attendance at school.



Getting vaccinated is the best way to be protected from and prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage all students aged 12 years and over and their parents to get vaccinated as soon as possible. To book a vaccination appointment go to :


Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) can help people with a disability access health services, including vaccinations. Contact a DLO by either

Transition Program at Gowrie

At Gowrie Victoria Carlton North, the kindergarten children are actively engaged in their ‘Transition to School’ program. To support this, and ensure continuity of learning, they invited past Gowrie children to join them online via Zoom to talk about their transition. Children were split into their 2022 primary school groups and joined by current Foundation students from their school so that the discussion was specific to their transition. Congratulations to Codie and Charlie from FE for representing Carlton North Primary School and speaking to the children at Gowrie about transitioning to school. Thank you to Molly Petruccelle from Gowrie for sharing the news of this event with us.


Earthquake Damage

Our beautiful school buildings suffered some damage from the earthquake during the school holidays. We have had some Make Safe works conducted on both the exterior of the buildings and interior. As part of the make safe works a structural engineer has inspected the buildings and we are waiting to hear back about whether the earthquake has damaged the buildings structurally.



Hailstorm Damage

On Monday we had a mammoth hailstorm and our school buildings suffered more damage as water leaked in through the roof in a number of areas across the school. Make Safe is now repairing the water damage throughout the school.


Limited Access to Onsite Learning

Next week, all students will continue to learn from home, except for students in the following categories:


Children where both parents and/or carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:

  • Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.
  • For single parents/carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.

Children experiencing vulnerability, including:

  • in out-of-home care
  • deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
  • identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, (including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)

To apply for access to onsite supervision for next week please complete this online form:



Sending positive vibes from the Principal Team


Rachel Corben, Erin Brown & Jane Bilby