Wellbeing/Be You

National Child Protection Week was 5-11September.


The theme this year was ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go.”



Child Protection plays a significant role in ensuring children and young people feel safe. Children can thrive and be healthy when they have what they need to develop well. But not every family has these resources. They aim to support children, family and community according to their needs.


BNPS is a Child Safe Organisation. Beaumaris North Primary School’s Child Safety Policy sets out the school’s commitment and approach to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and provides the policy framework for the school’s approach to the Child Safe Standards. (please find attached).


We encourage you to attend the Cyber Safety and Wellbeing PD session offered this evening (register here - http://tiny.cc/BNPS2021) as advertised on Compass, to assist you in keeping young people safe and reducing any incidences of inappropriate behaviour online.


For further information on protecting children from abuse, please access the document “Protecting Children from Abuse”.



October is Mental Health Awareness Month

More information can be found:

