Kids are back!!

It has been so lovely this week to see the classrooms and grounds full of staff and students. While there has been some nerves and uncertainty, everyone has come back with a skip in their step and happy to be here. Staff are reporting that students have settled back into learning, looking forward to completing some outcomes before heading into 2022, November 29th. My message to teachers is to welcome students back, and allow them time to get back into a routine, to feel success and optimism in their education and rebuild positive relationships with them and their peers.

Congratulations and Good luck year 12!

This time last year I spoke to a group of year 12 students highlighting the tough year they had and how proud we were of them to make it through a once in a lifetime event, that no-one will ever understand. Well, who would have thought I would be having the same conversation 12 months later. It is important for other students and families to appreciate the resilience and fortitude our year 12 students have demonstrated. They have completed their Senior Certificate in spite of not being at school since year 10. I had the fortune of listening to a number of VCAL students’ final reflections and reports last week. To see students, I have known since year 7 be so articulate about their achievements and goals, was such a privilege. It definitely highlights the reasons I became an educator. It has to be an inspiration for our year 9, 10 and 11 students that too will face challenges as they enter and finish their Senior Certificates in 2022.

While our year 12’s last day was not what they thought it would be, there were a number of staff that made it a special day. On this day, I told the students to reflect and be grateful they have so many people in and out of school that have supported them. There are many young people their age around the world and in our city that have experienced true devastation, and not had any celebrations to the end of their education. My last piece of advice for students going through exams, is to not be a ‘woulda, shoulda, coulda!’ Work hard and whatever the number that is presented in December, know that you gave it your all. We are so excited that we will be able to share their successes and hear what plans they have now that our country is opening up! 

Assessment and Reporting.

This year has definitely been one of a kind. I know we had a similar experience in 2020, however this has been seriously compounded by the numerous lockdowns students have experienced in Melbourne in 2021. For some students, they have actually thrived in this environment and not skipped a beat. There are some students- who are probably the majority- that have been on a roller coaster of emotions and motivation this year. They have maintained interest in most subjects and dropped off in some areas. For some students, the last 12 months to 2 years has been extremely difficult, and the college has worked with families to support these students the best that we can- namely through modified programs.

When students and families receive reports at the end of the year, please be mindful of your individual student’s experience with school this semester. Teachers will do their best to give you an accurate picture of what skills they have developed and growth they have achieved. DET have asked that schools report on English and Maths, and other areas of the curriculum, depending on the evidence they have to make a professional judgement. It is important that students, parents and carers have a look on COMPASS at the Common Assessment Tasks (CATs), as this is where more informative and detailed information can be found. Teachers are asked to make contact via email or COMPASS class feed with families when feedback is available on COMPASS, or student work has been annotated, and can be shared with you at home. If you feel this has not taken place, please feel free to make contact with the classroom teacher.

Research based practice + Amazing teachers = Outstanding NAPLAN results

I would like to congratulate our year 7 and 9 students on completing NAPLAN testing earlier this year. Like our Senior Students, these students have had such an interrupted education over the last 2 years, so to sit several tests in the manner they did, was remarkable to witness. 

As a college we have worked hard to build confidence and expertise in ALL of our teachers, no matter their subject, to explicitly teach and assess numeracy and literacy skills. We have structures in place that allow targeted teaching, feedback, reflection and goal setting.

This week, we were asked to provide Simon Hamilton, DET South East Victorian Region Director, with a summary of actions we have taken to have such profound growth data in numeracy at the college. This is an amazing opportunity to share and celebrate the hard work of our Leaders, teaching team in Math and students over the last five years. This will be presented to all SEVR DET School Education Improvement Leaders and notable DET executives.

In 2021, 51% of year 9 students at Mount Eliza SC have had HIGH growth since year 7.

In 2021, 40% of year 9 students at Mount Eliza SC have had MEDIUM growth since year 7.

In 2021, 10% of year 9 students at Mount Eliza SC have had LOW growth since year 7.

The Department of Education and Training DET focus on GROWTH DATA, as it is a clear indicator of the IMPACT a school is having on student outcomes. This data is not about how many students received grades above the standard or below, it is about the IMPACT that teachers at MESC are having on growth around learner disposition, understanding of content and development of SKILLS.


Danielle Vaughan




Welcome back! It’s been lovely to have two full days with all of our Middle Years Program (MYP) students onsite and our 7s across the whole week. Students have shown care for others in respecting and following the health directives- in every classroom I visited, students were correctly wearing masks, windows and doors were open and there were lots of outdoor classroom activities supporting their transition back to face to face teaching and learning. There have been opportunities for each of us to be reflective in our shared experience of remote learning and great communicators when catching up again with friends and colleagues. Teachers have also noticed an increase in the number of students being risk takers with their learning, taking charge or showing independence. The confidence to begin tasks, proactively work from the lesson plan, make informed choices and support each other in learning are skills we will continue to encourage and build upon.  With only 4 more weeks of the 2021 program, I encourage students to immerse themselves back into classroom routines and to reach out to your teachers and coordinators if you have any questions or challenges along the way. 


Year 7- Therase Henize and 

Marcus Roberts


Year 8- Rebecca Clarke (working days are Mon-Wed)


Year 9- Aaron Bushell


Year 10 - Julie Filardo


VCE - Sue Holderness