Inside Magill
As the leader of the Tech-Heads Action Team, I wanted to utilise the enthusiasm and expertise of the student reps, along with the newly acquired and advanced filming tech, to create a modern and engaging platform that promotes student voice and develops a strong sense of community. With that, 'Inside Magill' was born. As an action team, we began by brainstorming what the show might look like to achieve that goal, and planned out regular segments, listed notable school events, designed logos, and asked the student body what type of content they'd like to see featured on the program. The students also came up with a shortlist of show names but ended up voting unanimously on 'Inside Magill'. The shows tagline, bringing you green and gold stories, was also developed within our action team.
The show pulls the curtains back to allow our students and families a deep and exciting insight into the wonderful things happening at our school. With the help of some incredible on-screen talent, a select group of students and I spend the term hunting exciting and enjoyable stories and collecting as much content as we can with the schools’ cameras, microphones and drone.
The students selected to perform particular roles in the show follow scripts, which are written and updated each week, to help them tell our audiences the stories we want to showcase. It has been wonderful to see the show become a hit within classrooms. It has been incredibly rewarding to hear all the conversation it sparks between students of all cohorts. They discuss things they saw in the show, recognise faces and make positive comments about particular segments, congratulate each other on achievements that were featured, wish featured sports teams good luck, and much more.
The goal is to provide an episode at the end of each term to provide an engaging summary. We are very proud to be able to share the first episode, which documents some of the events and learning of Term 2. The Term 3 episode will be uploaded in a few weeks’ time and the final episode at the end of this term. Future episodes will be available to watch via our webpage; News and Events - Inside Magill.
We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoy making it!
Mike Shortt
Inside Magill - Magill Primary School (