Science at MCS
Year 7 Science Jade are exploring the work of forces in our world and started with a hair raising experience of electrostatic energy.
Miss Pokoney
Year 9 Science J are currently working on a Health and Disease program. We have been learning all about the nervous system and the workings of the 5 senses. Students have been engaged in practical activities involving taste, smell, touch, hearing and sight. The highlight being a sheep brain and cow eye dissection to discover the structure and identify features of these organs. Miss Tonkin is working on a project with the students to consolidate electrical theory learned earlier this year to create a skills tester.
Mrs Loud
Year 10 have been investigating force and motion, including car safety. Students have explored car safety features as well as features that prevent collisions. In the pictures below, students had to demonstrate that they could design and create a safe vehicle using a trolley and materials that would protect an egg in a collision.
Miss Tonkin
Year 11 Chemistry students (now progressed to Year 12 content) are studying equilibrium. They are doing many practical activities to discover the effects of pressure, volume, concentration and temperature on the delicate balancing act of reversible reactions at equilibrium. They then apply these discoveries to Le Chatelier’s Principle to answer unfamiliar problems.
Mrs Loud
Primary Industries are currently working through their units on feeding, watering and handling livestock. This requires them to take on the daily maintenance duties for the animals at the farm and develop some basic animal handling skills. We are very lucky at the farm to have donated feed from MSM Milling and the assistance of a skilled farm assistant and teacher.
Miss Pokoney