From the Principal's Desk 

Mrs Michelle Barrett

Kindergarten Transition

Our Kindergarten transition is underway, and we have been fortunate to meet our newest enrolments for 2022. They have enjoyed the opportunities and at this stage the numbers in our new cohort continue to increase. The Department of Education has developed some fantastic resources for students and their parents and I encourage all parents who have children starting at school for the first time to explore the Department of Education Website for tips and advice.



Leadership Induction

Our incoming captains were inducted on Thursday. I am looking forward to working with this team who have already provided several ideas to improve aspects of the school for students. I am sure they will make a difference and hopefully restrictions will be eased in 2022 so that will be able to provide multiple opportunities for enhancing their skills.


Congratulations to Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan was the runner up in a competition organised by the Department of Education. The Creative Casting Competition was an opportunity for students to write a composition and Jack was successful at attaining 1000 dollars for our music department. Jack was thrilled when the announcement came through and with the feedback provided will no doubt go onto bigger and better things.


Level 3 Operations at Molong Central School

I would like to congratulate our students for their mature and cooperative attitude during the past 4 weeks. Expectations such as wearing masks, sanitising and staying in Stage cohorts’ have not deterred our students in accessing their education. Our students seem to have come back from Learning from Home with a renewed attitude towards their education. Check in Assessments will allow our staff to determine what aspects of learning each individual child is deficient in and this will allow teachers to build any skills that students missed out on. If you are concerned that your child has regressed, please contact your child’s class teacher or Year Advisor. There are additional supports available and sometimes a parents intuition needs to be further explored so that concerns can be addressed appropriately.