
Whole School
Every Tuesday & Thursday - Breakfast Club on Both Campuses - 8:15am
Whole School
Monday 1st - Curriculum Day
Tuesday 2nd - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 3rd - All Students Return to Onsite Learning
Friday 3rd - Curriculum Day
Friday 17th - Last Day of School
Friday 17th - School finishes at 1:15pm
Primary Campus
Tuesday 9th - ICAS Testing
Friday 12th - Week 6 Awards
Tuesday 16th - ICAS Testing
Tuesday 23rd - ICAS Testing
Friday 26th - Week 8 Awards
Friday 10th - Prep Bundoora Farm Excursion
Wednesday 15th - Year 6 Graduation
Secondary Campus
Tuesday 16th - Friday 19th - Year 11 Exams
Friday 19th - Year 7 Immunisations
Monday 22nd - Friday 26th - Year 12 Step up Week
Friday 26th - Year 11's last Day
Monday 29th - Tuesday 30th - Year 11 Step Up Week
Wednesday 1st - Thursday 2nd - Year 11 Step Up Week
Thursday 2nd - Year 10's last Day
Tuesday 7th - Year 7 State wide Transition Day