Important Notices

No Hats - No Play
We will be enforcing our ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy in Term 1 and Term 4 on the Primary Campus. It has to be a school wide-brim hat (with the school logo), which is available at the uniform shop.
Students leaving at the
end of 2021
If your child / children are not returning to the Lakes in 2022, please ensure that you have notified either the Primary Campus office or the Secondary Campus office ASAP.
Prep 2022
Have you enrolled for Prep for 2022?
We are currently in the process of accepting new enrolments for 2022. We advise all existing families and community members who may be interested in attending our school, to submit enrolment forms as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to Covid19 restrictions we are unable to have personal tours at our school. Please visit our Facebook page to see our virtual tour which is accessible to our families and local community. A reminder to all parents to maintain social distancing when waiting for children before and after school.
Attendance - Every Day Counts
If you are aware that your child will not be attending school due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure that you contact either office to ensure our attendance records are accurate. Ways of communicating absences include:
- Calling the office;
- Sending an SMS on 0427 226 537;
- Placing a future Absence Request through the Parent SENTRAL Portal.
As required by the Department of Education, all schools must notify parents informing that their child is absent. Please inform the office of absences before 10:00 am each morning.
Year 7 Immunisation
The next round of immunisations for the Year 7s is on Friday 19th November, 2021.
Sentral Parent Portal Access
The Sentral Parent Portal is the primary method for home-school communications at The Lakes.
We are excited to say that most families have access to the Parent Portal. The portal allows students and parents\carers to keep up to date with important information and communication. This includes student academic reports, parent-teacher interview bookings and permission for students to attend camps, sport and excursions.
The Student and Parent Portal can be accessed at school, from home and from mobile devices. To assist families without internet facilities at home, The Lakes has installed mobile technology devices into both the Primary and Secondary offices for families to access.
If you are experiencing any issues with Sentral, please contact either office to assist you.
Canteen will reopen for business on Wednesday 3rd November.
Below are the price lists for both Campus'
Book Club
Issue 7 is out now!
This will be the last Book Club for the year and it is a special bumper Christmas catalogue. You can check it out here:
If you would like to place an order, you can send payment with your completed order form (please ensure you have included your child’s name and class) from the back of the catalogue to the office, or place your order via LOOP:
Please send your orders in by 18/11/21.
Megan – Book Club Organiser
Free access to ebooks and audiobooks
There are only 3 weeks left to access free ebooks and audiobooks on the Wheelers platform. The app should be on students iPads, or the site can be accessed here
To log in, students need to use their student code, e.g. ABC0001 and the password is Thelakes
If you’re unsure of your student code, please see Megan in the library or ask your teacher.
Happy reading!