Term 2 Reminders

Worship - Wednesdays

Our Blue and Orange Teams will be joining the school for Worship each Wednesday from Week 2 this term.  The teams commence walking at 8:40am so please have your child at Curiosity on time for them to attend.

You are welcome to join us after signing in with the QR code in the foyer to the church.

Little Lambs Playgroup

Little Lambs are baaaack! Exploring, playing and generally having fun on a Friday morning. We would love to see you and your little one from 9am in the Church Hall. Just $2!

The Little Lambs Team were also wondering whether you might have a little time to occasionally help set up for Playgroup after school on a Thursday afternoon, or perhaps assist with cleaning and pack up at 10:30am on a Friday morning? On occasion, some of our team have things that come up meaning they can’t always make it themselves. It would be wonderful to have a few names we could call upon to help if the need arises. Please let me know if you might be able to help in this way! You can contact me via email (here)  or pop in and see me. (I’m right next to the front office). Thank you!

Georgie and The Little Lambs Team



May 15 - National Simultaneous Storytime

A national read aloud from astronauts from the International Space Station!  This is a day to explore space and how 'earth is our spaceship, and it's the only home we've got.  It's our mission to take care of the Earth so that we can explore the universe for light years to come.'  Author - Philip Bunting.

June 19 - SEED Day

A day of exploring wellbeing and care for ourselves and others.  We will join with the school for this day of celebration.

Curiosity Early Learning Centre Youtube Channel

Please find the link to our YouTube Channel where you can find some songs and videos that we are using to support your child's learning and times of Worship at Curiosity.  Once on the page click on 'Playlists' to find songs for our Together Times with God and Living and Learning.


Click here

2021 Term Dates

A reminder that Curiosity is open for 48 weeks of the year, closing for 4 weeks over the Christmas and Summer Holidays.


Term 2 - TUESDAY 27th of April - 25 June

(Curiosity will be closed 28 - 29 June for Professional Learning)


Holiday Program - Wed 30 June - 16 July


Term 3 - Mon 19 July - Fri 24 September


Holiday Program - Mon 27 Sept - Fri 8 October


Term 4 -  Mon 11 October - Thurs 9 December

(Curiosity will be closed on Friday the 10th of December)


Holiday Program - Mon 13 Dec - Fri 17 December

Recommencing 2022 - Wed 19 January for Holiday Program


Term 1, 2022 - Monday 31st of January