FAQ - Lunchboxes, Pupil Free Days and Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Reports


Children take great delight in opening up their lunchboxes each day and sharing with their friends what they have.  



At Curiosity we are a 'Nude Food' sight which aligns to our school policy.  We ask that food be sent in bento styled boxes or smaller containers rather than using one-off plastics. Curiosity does compost organic waste in our worm farms and compost bin.  All other rubbish is sent home for families to discard.


Including your child in making decisions about what they eat each day is a great way to promote healthy eating habits. It is important to pack foods that your child is going to eat so at the end of each day if a particular food is coming home it may be worth not sending it along.  


We are unable to heat food however it is possible to send along containers that keep food warm such as pasta, rice and curries if this is something your child enjoys eating.

Pupil Free/Closure Days

Curiosity is open for 48 weeks of the year.  At the end of each iNewsletter the dates that we are closed are published for you.  We do not close the Centre unless we deem it important for the professional learning and wellbeing of our team.


Pupil Free/Closure Days do not always align to the school so please take note of this.  We do not charge families for days that the service is closed and give 4 weeks notice so that alternative care can be arranged.


Please note that Curiosity will be closed at the beginning of our school holidays for this term:  June 28 and 29 (Monday and Tuesday).  Curiosity will also be closed on Friday the 10th of December.

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Reports

When a child requires First Aid assistance due to an incident, a 'Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness' report is filled in by the educator who attends to the child.  This form is presented to families within 24 hours to ensure that clear communication around the incident is given and the child is provided with the care that they need.


If a child is injured at the Centre and requires medical attention, this is reported to the Education Standards Board to identify the risks of any further incidence occurring.  Parents or caregivers may be contacted by the Board to follow up on the incident.  At Curiosity, each report is logged and reviewed to minimise further risk of injury.


If your child has an 'Educator' or 'Director' peg on their communication pocket, it is important that you speak to the person on the door to see if there is anything you need to know.


Please note the following:

  1. Children who present with a temperature of 37.5 degrees or more while at Curiosity will need to be collected and cared for until the temperature subsides.
  2. Children who present with cold symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, coughing) and are unable to hygienically manage these will need to be collected.
  3. Children who have loose bowel movements or vomiting while at Curiosity will need to be collected and cared for at home the next day.
  4. When children are identified as being unwell, a call is made to the Emergency carers within Fully Booked and are removed from play with other children.
  5. We ask families that where possible collection be within the hour to minimise the spread of infection to the other children and staff.
  6. If your child presents with any of the above symptoms we ask that consideration is given to keeping your child at home.

We do thank you for your efforts in protecting the health of everybody at Curiosity ELC.