Deputy Principal

Clancie Neilson 

Deputy Principal









Thank you to all involved in the preparation and running of NAPLAN 2021; it was great to see that our Year 7 and 9 students were suitably organised on the three days of online testing. Feedback will become available to the school and students in Term 3.

Subject Selection Information booklets

Subject Information Handbooks will be made available on the website and Parent and Student Portals prior to the Mid-year holidays.  A Junior booklet for Years 9 and 10, 2022 and a Senior booklet for Year 10 into 11, 2022. Subject selections will occur in Term 3 using a web-based program (accessible from home) called WebPreferences. 


We will also continue to provide our Subject Selection EXPO information as a virtual platform on the College website. Heads of Department (HODs) are currently updating their engaging snapshots of all subjects (junior and senior) for students and parents to access as they consider subjects for 2022.  The benefit of this is that the resources remain accessible throughout the year; if you have any initial questions, you could access the 2021 information as a guide. 

Year 10s moving into Senior School

Year 10s, as a cohort, are soon to move into the Senior School. This is the time for them to focus on their individual pathway and choose subjects that will best support them as they move forward.  Ms Ambrose (Careers Counsellor) and Mr Nielsen (VET & TTC Director) will be conducting SETPlan (Senior Education & Training Plan) interviews with parents and students this term and beginning of next term. For students who are confident in their decision to move into the Vocational Education & Training (VET) pathway, Mr Nielsen is available to meet with students and parents. All other students, and their parents, should book an interview time with Ms Ambrose. 


Heads of Department are available for students and parents to seek guidance from, as am I. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to speak to one of us regarding options – our preference is that all students are fully informed before they make any decisions. Information regarding SETPlans and booking interviews has been sent home; please book your appointment as soon as possible (there is the option of conducting SETPlan interviews on Zoom if this is more suitable to your work hours).


Parent Teacher Interview – Term 3


Thursday 22 July  (2.30-6.30pm) LIBRARY



Parent session – Year 10 into 11 2022


Thursday 29 July  (5.30 – 6.30pm) LIBRARY




Year 10 into 11 

Subject Information EXPO


Friday 30 July  (8.45 -10.30am) LIBRARY

Year 8 into 9 

Subject Information EXPO


Friday 30 July (11.00 -11.50am)

Year 9 into 10 

Subject Information EXPO


Friday 30 July  (11.55am -12.45pm)



SETPlan interviews


Term 2 & 3 – dates and times as per information sent to all Year 10 parents