Principal’s Message

Mr Nick Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,

The halfway mark of the school year is fast approaching and all the teachers have been working feverishly to have Semester One Reports completed over the past couple of weeks. These reports will be made available via Compass this Friday 19 June at 12.00pm. Please take the time to read over your child's report with them to give them worthy praise for their achievements and reflect upon feedback for improvement during Semester Two.  There will be opportunities for parents to meet with teachers early in Term 3 to discuss reports at the Semester Two Parent/Teacher Interviews, however you are very welcome to come in and speak to your teacher's class before then if you would like any clarification on your child's report. 

Thank you to everyone for providing us with feedback in regards to the Sacred Heart Uniform Policy. This feedback will be used to inform the final version of the policy which will be presented to the School Advisory Committee in Term 3 for approval. Once ratified, the policy itself will come into affect immediately, however any changes to the actual uniform will allow for a two-year transition period before being fully implemented. 

Next week we are celebrating NAIDOC Week at Sacred Heart. We did have a wonderful opportunity booked to attend a concert by indigenous performer Mitch Tambo in Moree on Monday, however COVID lockdowns have meant we have had to postpone this excursion until later in the year. All students will participate in a special assembly next Monday morning to celebrate the beginning of NAIDOC Week.

Flu-Like Symptoms

Now that the colder weather has well and truly graced us, and given the current situation with COVID-19, parents are reminded that if their child is away from school with flu-like symptoms for more than 3 days, they must have a COVID-19 test. They are not able to return to school until they return a negative test (which must be sent to the school) and are symptom free.

Special mention to Ava Stevens who celebrates her 9th birthday today, Tuesday 15th June. Enjoy your special day Ava!


Have a great week!
